Chapter 19

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"Where is Draco?"

"I lost sight of him after the explosion—that blasted Bulgarian ship—"

"And Dolohov?"

"Missing too."

"Perhaps they got away..."

Bellatrix and Lucius were standing by Narcissa's bedside. It was near dawn. They had apparated back to the tower. Their clothes were torn and singed.

Lucius had searched the smoke-filled streets of Inverness for Draco, but his son had vanished amidst the screams and rubble of the burning city.

Narcissa slowly regained consciousness.

She tried to gather her bearings as Bellatrix told her that her only son was missing.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," said Lucius.

Yaxley walked into the room. "The Dark Lord wants a report of the living and the dead. He has arrived with Edevane at Greymoor. We are expected to join him."

"Fetch the Granger girl," Bellatrix commanded.

"She's gone," Yaxley said. "Her cell is empty."

Bellatrix froze. Her eyes bulged in their sockets.

"Search the grounds," she hissed. "She can't be far."

Yaxley stood rooted to the spot.

"Is there something else?"

"We have another problem. The latest reports—they say Potter's body is missing."

"Missing?" Bellatrix repeated, looking as though someone had punched her.

"The Magical Alliance has reported him dead but they claim no body was found."

"But he had no heartbeat!" Bellatrix cried.

She waved Yaxley away and paced the room, trying to formulate a plan.

She raised a finger at Lucius. "You must fetch Snape, the two of you must search for Potter—"

"No," he said, interrupting her thoughts. "Draco is missing as well. I must find him first—"

Bellatrix rounded on him. "You claim Draco disappeared with Dolohov? They fought together at the battle?"

"Yes," said Lucius through gritted teeth.

Bellatrix laughed at him. "A likely story." She shook her head. "Draco is alive. And he has the mudblood with him."

She paced around the room again, putting two and two together.

"He must have disguised her...and I can only imagine what he did to Dolohov." She laughed to herself. "It appears little Draco has a spine after all." She turned to her sister. "Where would he hide, Cissy? If he deserted...if the Dark Lord finds him before we do..."

"I—I don't know," Narcissa began.

"We must find him," said Bellatrix. "We must kill the mudblood! If the Dark Lord discovers his betrayal—"

"I will find Draco on my own," Lucius interrupted. "For now I will tell the Dark Lord he was captured by the allies—"

"And you think he will believe you?!" Bellatrix spat. "The Dark Lord has spies everywhere. He will learn the truth before you reach him." She walked closer to Lucius. "Your son has endangered us all. You no longer command my sister, and you most certainly do not command me. Go to Greymoor, spin your lies, but we shall make our own plans."

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