Chapter 20

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Hermione ran through the streets.

She put a hand to her mouth, stifling the cries that rang from her throat.

Narcissa was dead.

Hermione saw lights in the distance, and without thinking, she followed them blindly, stepping into the road.

She froze when she heard the screeching of tires.

A pair of headlights blinded her.

She screamed as a cab swerved and missed her by inches.

The driver shouted at her and sped away.

Hermione stood, paralyzed.

Keep moving, she told herself.

She hurried onto the pavement.

The street ahead was thick with people.

She had no idea where she was, but maybe she could blend into the crowd, find a way to vanish before the Death Eaters found her...

Panic rose in her chest, and she ducked into the nearest pub. It was dimly lit, and when her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw that there were two men inside.

They were listening to a radio.

"Turn it up Ed, will you?" said one of the men suddenly.

Hermione ducked under a table.

The radio's dial was turned up, and an announcer's voice carried across the room.

"With Britain isolated from the outside world, food shortages are at an all time high. Families are rationing the little they have. In the wake of Voldemort's attacks, thousands in Britain are left homeless..."

Hermione turned to look at the door, desperate to think of a proper plan before the Death Eaters found her.

The report continued, interrupting her thoughts.

"Thus far the British people have endured unimaginable loss and uncertainty. The dark wizard known as Voldemort has blown up factories and shipyards across Britain, hoping to stop us from manufacturing more weapons. Curfews and mandatory blackouts are enforced as of Tuesday. The Prime Minister hopes the enemy will be unable to find its targets in the darkness, but many argue this will only increase crime..."

Hermione winced as one of her legs began to cramp. She shifted her weight. The reporter went on to list details of the blackouts, then the conversation shifted to London. It remained a stronghold against Voldemort's army.

"Thousands have taken to the motorways in an attempt to reach the outskirts of Greater London, only to be turned away. Overcrowding has forced government officials to close the city's borders..."

Hermione froze when she heard the door open, but it was only the bar keeper.

She forced herself to think.

She needed to use her magic to charm a car, a motorbike, anything to get out of here...

She looked at the two men sitting by the radio. One of them had a jumper hanging from the back of his chair.

"Accio," she whispered.

The garment drifted towards her.

Hermione seized it and threw it over her head.

With a final glance at the door, she gathered her courage, and rushed outside.

Pedestrians were hurrying up and down the pavement, eager to return home before the mandatory blackouts started.

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