Chapter 25

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Draco stood on the balcony of St. Paul's Cathedral, hearing the roar of the crowds as they celebrated Voldemort's defeat.

Only a few moments ago, a victor had emerged, visible through the smoke and the rubble. Draco had known it was Hermione long before the allies had shouted her name.

"She's done it," he said, turning to Snape. "Voldemort's dead."

Draco's knuckles turned white as he gripped the balcony's railing.

The poison in his bloodstream triggered his nerves to fire all at once. He hit the floor before Snape could catch him.

He shut his eyes, trying to block out Snape's voice as he tried to delay the curse with useless spells.

Draco thought of the grounds at the manor, the wisteria trees he'd run through as a child when he hid from the elves...he'd always left a shower of lavender petals in his wake when he'd barreled through them...

And then from far away, Draco heard a lighter voice, felt softer hands, and he knew it was her.

Hermione had found him.

And he imagined that she was on the manor grounds with him, taking his hand as they ran through the trees.


"The poison has spread," Snape told Hermione. "There's nothing we can do."

Hermione leaned over Draco, trying to check his breathing, and as she did, something fell out of her robes.

A small, wooden box clattered to the floor.

Hermione stared at it, remembering Nerina had given it to her.

She opened the lid of the box.

There was a small vial inside, wrapped in a thin piece of parchment.

Hermione unfurled the paper, finding a note:

On my way out of the catacombs I was badly cursed...near death, Ms. Granger...and I was asked to solve a riddle. If I succeeded, I was to be rewarded with this vial. The mixture in the vial healed me, and I believe it might heal other curses. There is very little of the potion left, and I don't know if it will help Draco, but it's worth a try. I hope he still lives...but if his curse is too strong...I hope you are at least, able to say goodbye.


Hermione stared at the note in shock.

She removed the stopper from the vial and pressed it to Draco's lips.


"Slow down, will you!" Draco shouted, as he chased Hermione through the manor grounds. She was heading for the lake.

He doubled his speed, finally catching Hermione by the waist. She was wearing a beautiful, rose-colored dress that billowed in the wind. He spun her around to face him and she laughed, leaning into him. Draco imagined a life at her side, free of secrets. He looked down at her lips, eager to kiss her, but suddenly, Hermione gave a small gasp of pain.

"What is it?" Draco asked.

She clutched at her stomach.

Draco froze.

There was blood blossoming on the front of her dress.

Hermione backed away from him, unaware that she was too close to the lake.

Draco panicked.

He reached for her arm, but her feet slid and she fell into the water.

The manor started to disintegrate, and Draco watched as Hermione sank deeper and deeper into the lake...

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