Chapter 17

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The Death Eaters were shouting.

Something had altered their plans...

"Where is Avery?" Dolohov asked.

"He was still unconscious when we fled the abbey," a voice said. "Probably dead now..."

Hermione looked over at Harry. He was struggling against Yaxley, but the wizard held a firm grip on him. She'd expected Bellatrix to imprison them in Greymoor Castle, the infamous fortress Nikola had told her about, but instead they'd landed on a dimly lit street.

In the distance there was a winding lane that led to an old house.

The Death Eaters moved towards it, but at once, Bellatrix deemed it unsuitable, urging them to change location once more.

Hermione caught Harry's eye just before everything around them shifted again.

She felt an invisible band tightening around her chest. Her eyeballs were forced back into her head, her eardrums pounded loudly...

She wasn't used to apparating this way, without clear focus or direction....

She lost count of how many times they vanished and reappeared, each time somewhere new: a dilapidated bridge, an old country inn, an abandoned railway station...

Moments later her feet hit solid ground again.

"Hurry!" Dolohov shouted.

It was colder here than anywhere else they'd gone. The icy chill seeped into Hermione's bones, making her shiver.

She heard the sound of crashing waves, and the distant clap of thunder...

Bellatrix forced her upright.

They were standing in the middle of an island. In the distance was an old, medieval tower that overlooked the ocean. It was tall and looming. The crumbling ruins of an old castle were behind it, and a large moat surrounded the perimeter.

"Why have we come here?" Yaxley snapped, looking up at the clouded sky. He turned to Bellatrix. "We should have taken them to Greymoor—"

"Do not question my judgment!"

"The Magical Alliance has never managed to break through—"

"We can't take the risk!" Bellatrix shouted. "Not with those devils on the loose. We can't lose Potter!"

The Arévalos, Hermione thought. Bellatrix was frightened of the Arévalos...

"We will hold the traitors here until the Dark Lord arrives," she said firmly.

Lucius turned to her. "The Dark Lord is at Inverness, there was a muggle uprising just before we left..."

Harry and Hermione exchanged glances.

"Dolohov," Bellatrix commanded. "Seek out the McKays, bring us news of the battle. Tell them we have Potter."

Dolohov nodded and disapparated.

Everyone else made their way to the tower.

There was a small boat waiting for them at the edge of the moat.

Bellatrix dragged Hermione into it, closely followed by Snape.

It began to move on its own, rocking dangerously. Hermione gripped the sides of the vessel, praying they wouldn't turn over. Bellatrix grinned at her madly, enjoying her discomfort. Hermione swallowed. She sensed dark creatures lurked beneath the surface of the water...

It began to rain.

Hermione looked at Snape suspiciously. He had not panicked like the others when the Arévalos had arrived at the abbey...

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