Chapter 22

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"Very well then, Ms. Granger," said the woman in the blue cloak. "When Tom Riddle arrived at Hogwarts, Edevane set his sights on him. He took one look at him...a half-blood orphan, new to the magical world...and he thought he'd be vulnerable, easy to control. They were both extremely handsome, talented, and by the time they reached their fourth year at Hogwarts, they held a dangerous sway over some of the wealthiest students at the school."

She leaned over the pensieve and Hermione followed after her.

Moments later, they were standing on the Hogwarts grounds, next to the lake.

The woman in the blue cloak nodded to their left, where a group of boys were standing.

Hermione froze when her eyes landed on Edevane. She almost didn't recognize him.

He looked no older than fourteen, but he had the same twisted smile she remembered from the last memory.

Hermione took in every detail of his appearance.

His tie was undone, and he was wearing a thin, silver chain around his neck.

His hair was rumpled and shining brightly in the sunlight.

He laughed at something a friend said, but he stopped when Tom approached the group.

"Edevane was always fond of beautiful things," the woman in the blue cloak said. "He liked to collect them—rare objects, precious jewels, women..."

She paused.

"But also men."

She looked at Hermione. "Long before Narcissa Malfoy, there was Tom Riddle."

Hermione watched as Edevane threw his arm around Tom's neck.

Tom gave him a brief nod and turned to talk to the others, but Edevane let his eyes wander longer than they should have.

The woman in the blue cloak glanced at the two boys. "At first, the wealthy pure-bloods at Hogwarts kept Tom out of their circles. They thought he was beneath them, but Edevane changed that. He took his orphaned friend under his wing, and in time, Tom impressed everyone with his talents in dark magic."

The scene changed several times and Hermione followed the two boys as they walked around the castle. They turned heads everywhere they went, inspiring both envy and admiration from their peers.

The woman in the blue cloak steered Hermione towards a set of stairs.

"But the truth was, it was Tom who controlled Edevane. They threw clandestine parties and recruited students to take part in their twisted games. But it was more than just games to Tom. He was recruiting his first Death Eaters. He seduced them with promises of fame and glory. He set fire to their minds with new ideas..."

Hermione looked around. They were in an underground chamber.

Tom took a sip from a bottle of firewhisky.

He was sprawled on a couch with several other people. Many of them were asleep, exhausted from a long night of revelry.

There was a beautiful Ravenclaw girl at Tom's side. She was awake too. She placed a hand on his thigh, looking at him longingly.

He watched her, waiting...

She straddled him slowly and kissed him full on the mouth. His hands reached for her waist, pulling her closer.

Edevane stood by a fireplace at the far end of the room. He drank from a tall glass, his gaze fixed on Tom. He held onto the glass so tightly, Hermione feared it would break.

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