A Crayon's Night

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Prompt: Wow! Did Crayola make this beautiful disaster?

A Crayons night

If crayon's did wear pants

Would they wear levis when they go out to dance

Would they paint the colors on the blue jeans

With blue in every delicate stitch

Would they swirl the colors behind the scenes

The shades become so rich

Would they darken in the red of your old t-shirt

Or color in the white on your shoes

Would they change colors when they flirt

If they have too much booze

If crayons did wear pants

Would they wear skirts if they had the chance

Would they hoola hoop for fun

Or hopscotch instead

Would they paint the rays of the setting sun

Or just be lazy and stay in bed

Would they walk the dog at midnight

And paint his fur brown

Would they go to bed with a night light

Or stay up dancing on the town

If crayons could wear pants

You would notice at first glance

They would draw your attention

The moment that you look

And did i forget to mention

You can find them in the pages of a book

A.D. Small

April 1, 2022

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