A Shameful Entry

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A Shameful Entry

Prompt: A Dark Desire Of A Cold-Hearted Lover!

Elenore Saga Part: 2

Dear diary, it's me, Charles again

It's May 15th, 1853

I know it's been so long since you've heard me sin

But something's happening to me

I've met a fire haired beauty

That's caused me to stray

She shot the life into me

On this very day

I'm writing this dark confession by candlelight

The horror of my transgressions

On this dark, lonely night

I write my bloody confessions

I have committed a terrible sin

And broke a solemn vow

The Lord knows where my heart has been

And even now

Please forgive me, sweet Elenore

My heart and soul was weak

It cuts me to my core

A trembling heart will speak

I must break this off at once with her

To save my Elenore

Emotions began to stir

As I headed towards the door

A.D. Small

April 20, 2023

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