The Beginning

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The Beginning

Butterfly wings beat against the window pane

Only silence follows the sound of the rain

Outside is dark and damp

The only light comes from an old lamp

Dad reads the evening paper on nights like this

Moms stops her knitting and gives dad a kiss

The same simple routine comforts me

But the rain turns the silence to agony

There is something that mom doesn't want dad to know

If words could turn into vines up the wall they would go

The tension hangs like tar on an old tin roof

The air in the room smells like stale truth

I almost thought of breaking open the silence

But the silent air makes my soul wince

My eyes quickly dart to dad in his old chair

Looking calm as usual without a care

He softly chuckles as he reads the comics

I can hear the clock in the hall as it ticks

Minutes pass by and I turned my gaze to momma

She smiled at me with the slightest comma

I looked at her with wondering eyes

And she shocked me with the sweetest surprise

For in that very moment my heart flutters

Momma looked at me and my mouth stutters

She said soon you will become a sister Sara Ann

And that's how the saga began

A.D. Small

December 5, 2021

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