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You captivate me

To the point where I'm completely

And utterly speechless

You make me happy

To the point that I'm dying to kiss

To kiss your sweet lips

To watch you smile as I do this

I want to hold you're hand

Your hands hold so much love

They turn me to quicksand

Your hand fits mine like a glove

I want to smile

To whisper it will be ok

To open up my mouth to speak

And pour out all the words I want to say

My ink flows from my lips

It pours down this paper so smoothly

It stays on each line like caressing fingertips

Speaking in fine printed sensuality

I want to speak to your mind

To scream on the inside of your brain

To twist the black ribbons that wind

Around my heart.. You make me insane

I want to console you

To breathe the life into your lungs so you can live

With all the hurt I've gone through

It's amazing that I still have love to give

So take this gift and wrap it in lace

Put it inside a corner of your soul

So when you caress my face

Remember I love to make you whole

A.D. Small

October 15, 2011

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