The Field

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The Field

Part 4. Of my Alexander Saga

As I sit here on this old quilt that I helped mama sew

It was a gift for me that we made a year ago

Alexander is three now he just started to walk

Mama is excited waiting for him to talk

Paradise is bliss in times like this

Its as if fate is a star-cross lovers' kiss

I watch my brother play in the field

His legs are still wobbly but he's tough like a shield

His giggles are like music to mamas ear

She hangs the clothes so very near

I can hear her humming float towards the trees

It dances on the backs of the smallest bees

It carries onwards towards my brothers feet

As she simply hangs another sheet

The warm sun causes freckles on my skin

I am almost thirteen now and I have daddy's chin

Mama says my eyes sparkle like his when I smile

With each step I walk I can add each mile

Daddy is out hunting trying to find food for the fire

He is helping momma build this great empire

As I watch my brother I begin to think

Why does life move as fast as a wink

Before you know what's next its moving on by

Like when the sparrow flaps its wings to fly

It glides onwards towards each destination until he gets to the nearest station

That's how life is sometimes

Before you know it you've heard all the nursery rimes

To hold on to each moment in life while you can

To look back on how it all began

Then look at what you have become

Like building a life out of bubblgum

My family is strong like super glue

What we have is amazing and true

I enjoy my brothers laughter its truely the best

I close my eyes and I feel so blessed

I am glad that I have my family

May this chapter end happily

A.D. Small

July 27, 2022

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