Scarlet Tears

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Scarlet Tears

Prompt: Sin Creates A Desperate Letter.

Elenore Saga Part: 5

To my dearest Charles, it's me, Susan

I know you said it's over, but how have you been

It's been several months, and I miss you so

The long nights make emptiness grow

Why did you choose her to love and not me

Oh, Lord, heal my agony

I offered you my heart, and you broke it

so, in my dingy room, I sit

Surrounded by my sadness of you, I write

As the day grows by shadow's light

You exclaimed, I was the one, and not Elenore

But, in the end, I felt like a used whore

I didn't deserve to be tossed aside

Many moonless nights I've cried

Wishing you held me instead

I feel so cold on my lumpy bed

I will leave you alone if you desire

I will send this at once by wire

I must know if this is truly over

Sealed with my family's crested clover

Tell me why it has to be Elenore

When I could love you so much more

Please Charles, let me know what you decide

In my one room shack I still reside

It hurts to let go, but I understand

If you choose to take her hand

I will forever love you my dear

Respond quickly the end is near

I end this letter in my lonely room

The silence makes my chambers a tomb

I was only wanting to seek closure

Signed forever and always your scarlet lover

A.D. Small

May 7, 2023

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