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You make me want to fall into an endless coma

Where the darkness creeps a bitter aroma

Where the bats and the scorpions bite

Where even the weakest do, feels like they have to fight

You Infuriate me with your annoyance

The darkest shade of clairvoyance

Like poking at a disturbed bruise

Honestly, trying to figure you out, is old news

To make others suffer like you is obnoxious

Hell, sometimes, the sound of your voice is nauseous

Like ripping off a layer of my own skin

Just to see what's hidden within

You remind me of how my mother used to treat me

But, hell even she couldn't defeat me

But still, you stab at that yellow bruise

And make me feel every inch of her abuse

your games make me tired as hell

So exhausting, is this one room cell

Even after you push me into a corner

You just remind me so much of her

Never satisfied as long as your needs are met

Misery was always her favorite bet

Her greed became her downfall

And still she had to have it all

She didn't care about the people that she hurt

She accused her 13 year old daughter, of being a whore and a flirt

She shoved everybody away because it was easier

And still you remind me of her

Her own pettiness made her children run away

They won't even visit her when she's gray

They won't even have any words to say

When she's laying in that coffin one day

Her ideas was so narrow

And if you didn't follow them with an arrow

She would throw the biggest fit

Then turn around and say you caused it

She would put the blame on anyone but her

But never once did it occur

That the problem started at her door

The moment she called me a flirt and a whore

A.D. Small

December 25, 2022

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