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*****Delilah's POV****

There was an awkward moment as Laura left where none of us kind of knew what to do with each other before launching into personal introductions. All the guys seemed so sweet but on first impressions I would say the public got it right with Luca, he was my type on paper. 

I could see a few of the girls exchanging glances before hinting at a move over to the sofa as the boys took the fire pit.

"Come on girls, what are we thinking?" I asked. "Are they matching up to your type?"

"I'm happy but I'm not like blown away." Gemma said. "I usually go for the muscles, which he's got, but he's maybe a bit shorter."

"I obviously don't know Ikenna but he's got a nice height on him." Indiyah said. "I was a bit distracted by the crocs but we'll have to see. I'm probably with Gemma in that I'm not blown away."


"First impressions are good, I am attracted to him but we'll see. I can't quite read him yet so I'm not sure how well matched we are..."

Amber and I made our way over to our boys so we could go and explore the villa. Luca and I made eye contact as we walked side by side, our shoulder brushing as we went through the narrow doorway. 

"Woah look at this place." Dami said, searching for his name on the beds. The two of them seemed quite well matched as they fought over the bed. 

"So do you have a preferred side?" Luca asked as we found our bed in the corner. 

"I usually sleep on the left but I don't mind."

"No I'll take the right then."

Continuing on we found the make up room, which was honestly the place of dreams, connected to the terrace. Amber and Dami left us to it, so we took the moment to have our first poper conversation together. 

"I feel like I should introduce myself then." I told Luca as we sat on the L-shaped cushion. "So yeah I'm Delilah, I'm 25 and I'm a midwife."

"Ok, so I'm 23 and I'm a fishmonger. Did you always want to be a midwife?"

"Always and yeah it's my dream job. I love every moment, don't get me wrong it's tough but I can't imagine doing anything else." 

"How long have you been single?"

"So I got out of a four year relationship a year ago."

"Wow, so I'm kind of like the opposite of that, my last relationship lasted about six months and that was six years ago."

"You can't tell me you've been single six years."

"Very smooth, I've just had other priorities and yeah then work took over and I've never really had the confidence to go back on the dating scene." I wanted to make it clear to everyone together the real reasons behind it rather than have rumours floating around. "Do you have a go to date?"

"The last date I took a girl on, I took her on a plane."

"That's pretty out there."

"I mean the first one's got to be special, after that you can just go to Nando's every week. Do you have a favourite sex position?"

"Straight in there."

"Got to know these things." He was definitely a cheeky guy and at the moment I kind of liked that. 

"I actually really like spooning and then the guy just like slipping it in there. Boring I know but yeah... you?"

"I think it's called like an oyster or something."

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