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Mature scene ahead....

****Delilah's POV****

After the game had finished I went and sat on the circular bed with Jacques, Andrew and Tasha. Jacques positioned himself on the bed and then pulled me down so I was led between his legs with my back up against his chest. 

"Was you expecting that from Jay?" Tasha asked. "I know you two went on that date but has there been like any indication other than that."

"None at all, that's why I was so confused because like I've just called that guy untrustworthy and then he goes and picks me."

"Was it a good kiss?" Andrew asked.

"Looked like a shit one." Jacques murmured before I could get there.

"Listen no one in here is a bad kisser, but it definitely didn't compare to the one I had with Jacques." I said. "For me like it's not something I'm looking to explore further, I'm happy where I am right now without the need for someone else to get involved."

"You also got Luca as well" Tasha mentioned. "Most one night stands."

"That's a bit of an insult to be honest, like why go out of your way to pick me for that. If you don't want to answer the question then just pick Gemma, but I can count on one hand the amount of truly one night stands I've had."

"You know Luca though he does like to stir the pot." Andrew tried to defend him. "I wouldn't take it too seriously."

"Quick, guys look over there." Tasha alerted us over to the alcove where Dami was currently blocking our view of Indiyah as the two locked lips. 

"Get a room." I shouted as pay back to the billions of times a day he seems to shout that over to us. "How was that?"

"Really good." Indiyah shouted. 

"Tasted like strawberries man." Dami said. 

I'm so happy for them and this game really came at a good time for the two of them, they kind of needed that little push and now hopefully they can progress further. 


Later on that night I was sat around with Indiyah when Danica got a text. "Islanders the hideaway is open tonight. Please choose a lucky couple to spend the night alone #sexysleepover #midnightsnack."

"Don't send me with her, I couldn't trust myself." Jacques pointed over to where I was sat. 

However the decision wasn't too easy. Andrew and Tasha had already been in the hideaway so they were rules out, Gem and Luca weren't in a couple, Dami and Indiyah weren't in a couple so it was left between Jay and Ekin and Jacques and I. 

"I vote Jacques and Delilah." Gemma shouted.

"Me too."

"Me three."

"So I think the decision has been made." Indiyah said. "The couple who we are sending to the hideaway is.... Jacques and Delilah."

I was actually pretty excited just to get some alone time with him but the blush was settled on my face by the smirk on Jacques'. "Go and get your best underwear on." Jacques shouted as I walked in with the girls to get ready. 

"What are you going to wear?" Gemma asked as I took a seat in the dressing room. 

"I want like sexy but cute at the same time. I think I've got an option that he would like as well."

I got changed into a matching bra and thong set, a tiny bit see through but with blue flowers covering all the parts that needed to be covered. Not that Jacques would complain about that. 

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