Bad Night

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****Delilah's POV****

When the boys came down they stole Charlie from us to get their information out of him, not that I was complaining though. From first impressions I would say maybe Ekin and Tasha were the two most excited about him, definitely Ekin but then I also knew that she did like Jay and they needed to have that conversation. Personally though my mood had turned, I was experiencing some of the worst cramps I've ever had and all I wanted was a cuddle and to go to bed. 

I could see quite a few conversations were being had but every time I wanted to go and spend time with Jacques he was busy, first with Indiyah and Dami and then Jay pulled him for something, so when I spotted him with Gemma and Luca I knew it would be nothing serious and went over. 

"How are we?" Luca asked noticing me coming down the stairs to them. 

"Good, you ok?"

"I'm alright." I hate ruining the night so I just ignored the stabbing feelings I was experiencing and took the empty spot next to Jacques, his arm immediately going round my waist. 

"You look amazing tonight babe."

"Thank you."

When I said that Luca shared a quick look with Jacques and I knew something had happened. "What? Oh do I need to tell her." He then turned to me. "Jay just pulled me for a chat then, said he was going to get to know you and I was like yeah sweet, crack on."


"You know what I mean? It don't bother me lad. But he was honest with me so I was like yeah sweet."

"I guess."

"It'll be the first real test so I was like yeah you go and do your thing."


"You've just got to go do your thing and then I'll go and give you a snog in bed tonight. Like any lad could come in here and say 'I'm going to get to know Delilah', I was like 'go ahead'." I don't think he was doing it on purpose but honestly I don't know what hurt more, the cramps or his words right now. But I hate showing emotion in front of everyone so I just had to keep facing forward, avoiding eye contact with him. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

I had to get out of there as quick as I could, I could feel him go to pull me back down but I just shrugged his hand off me. Going back to lie on the kitchen sofa watching as Ekin came back over from another talk with Jay.

"He wants to get to know Delilah, that's what it is." Ekin shouted as she walked back over. "

"I mean you did the same to him."

"I don't care, no woman deserves this. He should have told me. from the start. He wanted to stay safe so he coupled up with me"

"No, he coupled up with you and he found out what you are in two days mate." Jacques gave it her all back. "A fucking headache."

"No, shut up."

"He's getting to know people."

"Yeah there's nothing wrong with getting to know people but don't lead me on."

"He's not leading anyone on."

"What is muggy is him holding my hand, hugging me for a week. The only thing I wanted from Jay is an indication that he wanted to get to know Delilah as well."

"Jay, welcome to the dog house." Luca shook his hand. "It's a great place." 

On the one hand I guess you could say Ekin did the same to Davide getting to know Jay when she was with Davide but then I also know she did like Jay....

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