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****Delilah's POV****

Leaving the villa the night of the final felt so strange for us all, knowing we'd probably never see this place again, and catching up on our sleep in a hotel before we caught our plane that afternoon. Even though we were both too tired to do anything other than sleep it felt so nice to just be alone with Will and not have ten at least six other people in the bedroom. 

We decided to say all our goodbyes to each other at the Spanish airport before we arrived back and were all caught up with our own families. Of course for me the most emotional goodbye was to Ekin. I knew after this she would be massive, and that was confirmed when we got our phones back, so I knew that this could be the last time we see each other in a while but we promised to keep in touch. 

Arriving back in the UK felt so surreal with the crowds of people waiting for us. I very quickly spotted my family and it came as no surprise to me that everyone had made the effort, with all my siblings, my parents, my best friends and of course Theo waiting for me. 

"I'll come and see you in a bit." I whispered to Will as we walked over to the waiting area. We'd agreed that we'd both go and see our families separately and then meet everyone again. "I'm sorry in advance for their craziness."

"You haven't met my friends yet. See you soon."

"Will," I pulled him back before he could leave. "Look they're all going to want to meet you and it's completely up to you but Theo will be there, do you want me to wait..."

"It's completely up to you, see how he's feeling and how you feel but I'm all in. If you're comfortable with it then I'd love to meet him."

Walking over alone, the first to greet me was obviously Theo who ran straight into my arms as I crouched down so I could pick him up. "Oh I've missed you."

"You only saw me the other day mummy."

"I missed you straight after you left. But we won't have to do that ever again."

"I've made something for you!" He remembered as I let him go and run off back to my mum before he came back with a card in his hand. "This is for you."

Opening up the little envelope I found a card, obviously hand made, with a big 'welcome home mummy' in a mesh of colour and glitter. Three little stick men were drawn at the bottom of the card all holding hands. "Who are they?"

"That ones me," He pointed at the shorter of the three. "....that's you." The one with the crazy hair. "...and that's Will."

"Will?" Before going in I'd told my family obviously not to let him watch the show in real time but they could show him bits just to show him that I'm fine. 

"The man over there." He pointed over to where Will was. "Nanny let me watch the final show and he said some nice things about you."

"He did." Even though I knew they would get on, this was just music to my ears. 

Before I could continue on this conversation I had to greet the rest of my family. I don't think I've ever cried so much with all the tears coming out as I went round all my siblings, getting a chance to hold my nephews again, seeing my mum and dad and then Milly and Amelia. 

"What do you think then?" I asked my sister Natalya as we hugged. "Will?"

"He's perfect for you Delilah, obviously I need to see him in person but I don't think I've ever seen you this open and comfortable around someone."

"He really does make me happy. Theo mentioned that he'd seen him?"

"We wanted him to see you in the dress and then he watched the speeches. Obviously he didn't understand much of it but he heard his name and we explained that he was your new friend."

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