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****Delilah's POV****

Things still felt a bit awkward that next morning as the only person who had really made a move was Danica and she was currently in a bed with a guy who I had to speak to her about.

"How was your night Danica? Any chats with Josh?" Indiyah asked as we went up onto the balcony as the boys cooked us breakfast.

"Yeah there were a few just random chit chats, there were also a few cuddles, a cheeky kiss."

"I thought I could hear you."

"It was good I can't lie."

"About that." I felt like I had to intercept. "Obviously I think like we all know that you're probably the most open one in here. But I was like having a chat with Josh last night and he basically said you know that he wanted to get to know me."

"Like in a more than friendship way?"

"Yeah, but I just said like I don't feel at the moment I can get to know him in that way but I'm more than happy to get to know him in a friendship way."

"Just like we wanted to get to know all the boys, they're going to want to know all us girls." Ekin tried to think logically about it. "I don't think you should read too much into it Danica but then like don't close yourself off at the same time."

"No, I guess like he's just the one I was most attracted to and probably the one I've connected to most in here."


I can't tell Danica how to feel about the situation and she can do what she wants about what I told her but I would just be a bit wary about Josh.

"Indiyah? How you feeling?"

"I feel like we haven't really been tested yet, no-one's walked into that villa who has been exactly our types. I don't know how he's going to react to whoever the hell's over there."


"I had a good night but I think my head and heart are very much in the main villa."

The rest of the girls went inside but I was left out there with Ekin, even though we're nearly the same age she was like my big sister and best friend all in one.

"Ekin, I really don't know what to do."

"What's wrong?" She asked, pulling me into her side.

"I don't know what I'm going to do if I walk back into that villa and there's another girl stood there. Like my heart will genuinely just break."

"I don't know what Jacques is doing in there but if he's not 100% faithful to you then he's lost like the best thing he's ever had. You're a queen and you deserve to be treated like one."

"So do you."

"Lets just hope they're all sulking around waiting for us and the girls are sleeping outside."

"Something's telling me that's not happening."

****Third Person*****

That morning there were some apprehensive looks in bed, yesterday things had started to get heated but more moves would definitely be made today. Davide and Mollie admitted to a little kiss in bed that night as did Jay and Chyna but the real action was with Andrew and Coco who definitely seemed pre-occupied by something.

"So man who's starting it off?" Luca asked the boys as they sat in the garden.

"Yeah man I had a nice night with Chyna." Jay started. "She's a cool girl."

"Alright skip that, what happened in the bed?" Luca egged him on.

"Just a kiss man."

"Just a kiss, little hug?"

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