Dinner Dates

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****Delilah's POV****

"They're fit." I whispered to Amber as we walked over to the firepit with the two boys. "This is going to cause trouble."

"So how old are you both?" Amber asked as we sat down, the two boys in the middle of us. "You're 28 and you are?"


"No way are you 22." I almost had to stop the gasp that followed as I said that, I would have guessed he was at least my age. 

"He is massive." Jay said. 

"So what are your types? What do you usually go for?"

"Types, tall, juicy lips and big bunda innit." Remi answered. I don't know but the way he said that just kind of put me off him, I personally wouldn't like to be described in that way. 

"Yeah for me I would say it's a bit more based on personality, like I want someone who makes me laugh, I want someone who's fun." Jay answered. "Obviously I need to be attracted to them but I also want someone who's kind independent."

"I'm coupled up with Davide and he's kind of like the Italian Stallion in here." Ekin said. "But I did say like I need someone I can vibe with and at times he hasn't been putting the effort in..."

"Is he all muscles and no chat?" Remi asked. 

"Do you think there's competition between you and any of the lads in here?" I asked. 

"I'm not here to make friends or for seasonal boyfriends." The boys took the opportunity at that moment to come and join us, I was on the end so Jacques sat down next to me, wrapping his hand around my thigh and tugging our legs closer together. Like I said earlier I did like this quite affectionate side to him so I replied by placing my hand over his, stroking the back of his hand with my thumb. I could see the smirk on his face so I just gently rested my head on his shoulder so the guys could continue. "How are you all feeling?"

"Yeah good man, nice to see new faces in here." Andrew answered. 

"What do you both do?"

"I'm a model and rapper." Remi answered. 

"Go on then spit some bars." He was a good rapper to be fair and I was impressed at how he didn't feel threatened by some of the boys trying to act hard. 

"What about you big boy?" Jacques asked. 

"I work in finance as an investment analyst. What about you?"

"I play rugby lad."

"You're a bit small for rugby, no?"

"Oh really? Hey if you run at me I'll flatten you lad." You could see it was getting a bit tense so all the boys left us girls to it, but not before he gave me a kiss on the cheek and a flirty wink to match.

"So lets go round then, who do you like out of the two of them."

"Jay," Was the answer given by Paige, Gemma, Tasha and I. Indiyah and Amber chose Remi and Ekin couldn't choose between them both. 

"I feel like Jay is that man I've been looking for." Tasha said. 

"Forget about Andrew already?"

"No, I know it would take a lot for my head to turn."

"I feel like Jay looks like he would be good in bed, he'd like fling you around." Ekin said. "No-one's married in here it's been a week, we can all get to know them. Even you Gemma."

"Even me? Thanks."

"This is the fire they all needed up their arses." I said, "Now we can see who's all talk."

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