Meeting him part one

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I was now standing in front of my mirror as I took in the image in front of me. I wasn't much to look at, so I don't see why someone would want to purchase me.

I have jet-black hair and green eyes, with a bit of freckle on my face. I'm 5'7 with a slender figure, and I'm also gay. I haven't told plenty of people about my sexuality. Only my family and closest friends, Alexandria Campbell, otherwise called Lexi and Ethan Bailey, knows. He has a huge crush on Lexi, and even though she knew that, she would blow him off every time he made a move on her. I don't know why because they would make a lovely couple.

I called them earlier to tell them about what my mother did, and to be honest, they were mad as hell. I knew that my mother was having a hard time taking care of my little brother and I, but I didn't know it was this bad for her to sell me like this, or maybe she was just desperate to get rid of me.

I sighed as I looked at the gray suit I had on that my mother gave me to wear just to impress this Hunter Jackson person. I have no idea why I have to dress up like this when I don't even like suits. I have my comfort clothes, which include shorts, skinny jeans, turtle-necks , and cashmere sweaters. My mother hated the way I dressed, but I couldn't care less.

I grabbed my white vans sneakers and put them on just to piss my mother off. She gave me shoes to wear with the suit, but I decided to wear sneakers instead because that was what I was comfortable in.

After making sure I was ok, I made my way downstairs so that I could get this over with. I wasn't nervous, just angry. Angry at the way my mother was separating me from my little brother. She was making this decision hard for me, and it's like she wasn't concerned about my feelings.

When I arrived in the living room, mom was already there waiting for me. She had a cup of what, I assume, was coffee in her hand sipping, and when she saw me, her gaze thoroughly searched me from head to toe.

“Shoes are wrong. Did I tell you to wear sneakers?” She asked in a displeased tone. I flinched a little and folded my arms in a defensive manner.

“No, you didn't tell me that, but I'm eighteen years old. I'm an adult, so I don't really have to listen to you anymore.” I shot back, making her eyebrow raise at my comment. She was looking at me for a couple of seconds before saying anything, but then she shook her head and sighed.

“Mr. Jackson will be here shortly, sit down, and don't speak unless you are spoken to.” She replied, then went back to drinking her coffee and acting like I wasn't even there. Yeah, welcome to my life.

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