Confronting my mother

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I couldn't stay here any longer after I overheard what hunter had said to that man. Now that I knew the real reason why he wanted to marry me, I felt hurt. I know that I shouldn't care because I knew that he had some other motive for marrying me, but I can't stop myself from feeling this way.

I didn't know where I was going until I found myself back home. I stopped and sat there staring at the house I grew up in. Even after what my mother did to me and William, I still miss her. I know that I shouldn't, but I can't help it. After-all she is my mother.

I made my way towards the door and rang the doorbell. Hoping that my mother was home so that I could at least see if she was alright. The door opens shortly after and a man I haven't seen before, stood there in nothing but a boxers on. I was about to ask him who he was when my mother suddenly made an appearance.

" darling why don't you go and get something to eat?" Mom asked the man who nodded his head and left. But not before giving me a look of lust that had me on edge.

" what are you doing here!" Mom snapped as she walks out and closes the door behind her.

" I-I wanted to see if you were alright." I replied making her roll her eyes.

" now that you've seen me it's best if you go back home to your husband. You and William aren't welcome here any longer." I didn't know why my mother was acting like this. The woman I grew up with wasn't this cold towards me. It changes when my father died and now all she cared about was money.

" you knew today was going to be my wedding and you didn't even call?" She only glared at me as if I'd ask her one of the most ridiculous questions.

" why should I call? As far as I'm concerned you're not my son anymore and neither is William. You both did what you're suppose to do and that's it. Now you don't have to worry about me anymore, I'll be moving in with chuck soon because he wants us to be together. He knows how to treat me right, that's all I've ever wanted. Just move on with your life emery, stop thinking about me and stop calling me your mother." With that she walks back inside the house, closing the door in my face as if I wasn't even there. If that's what she wants me to do, I'll gladly do it.

Forced to marry the billionaire (bxb) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora