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I have one of the best team working for me. They made sure everything was alright and that I had nothing to worry about. I checked the security camera before leaving, making sure that there wasn't anything happening that I don't know about. When it came up clean, I decided to leave so that I can go home to emery.

I made sure to get his favorite pizza too, that way I can show him how much I was thinking about him. I even got at least three comic books for William since he's been talking about them nonstop. I was smiling by the time I arrived home, I just hope that emery would be able to talk to me this time, without arguing.

Getting out of the car, I took everything I got and went inside. I immediately spotted William who was running towards the kitchen.

" hey William I have something for you!" I shouted which had him running up to me instead.

" really? What is it? It's not a prank right?" I shook my head at his questions and handed him the comic books he was talking about. His eyes became wide as he continued to stare at them, only for him to burst into tears after. I was panicking and didn't know what to do, I thought that he would love my present.

" William what's wrong? Don't you like it? I can always get you something else..." he shook his head, wiping away the tears from his eyes.

" a-all this time I've wanted these to read. M-My friends were always bragging about them and I told my mother that I wanted to have at least the Spider-Man one and she said no. She told me that all I needed to do was grow up so that I could help her and stop being a brat." I felt my temper rising because of this woman. What the hell is wrong with her?

" don't worry about it, I'll get you plenty more." This seems to be enough to get him to stop crying, he then crashes into me for a hug.

" thank you mr. Jackson, I really appreciate this! I'll be sure to show them to emery when he gets back from cliff diving." What?

" where did you say he went?" I asked in a serious tone that had him gulping from fear.

" uh I don't know, i must have had way too much Pepsi to drink, I have to use the bathroom sorry!" He ran off before I could even question him. Emery was doing something dangerous as we speak. Just wait until he gets home, I'll make sure he never puts his life in danger again.

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