Bad mood and jealousy

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Getting off the phone with my mother, had left me in a bad mood. She insisted on coming here so that she can see if the boy I've been pining after for so long, was good enough for me to marry. She often talks about her friend's daughter that would be a better fit for me, but hell no. There's no way I'm going to give up being with emery for anyone else.

Emery doesn't know the real reason why I wanted him. He only knows that I had paid his mother for him, and that I was going to marry him. but he really doesn't know how I felt about him. He doesn't know that I'm marrying him because my father couldn't have just Rest In Peace without making my life complicated.

A knock sounded on the door to my office that I came to in order to talk to my mother in private. I told the person to come in and saw that it was Anthony, even he had an irritated look on his face.

" you know I didn't sign up for this. Your boy toy has been asking me a lot of questions and I don't even know how to answer him." I motioned for Anthony to come closer and when he did, I stand up from my seat so that we were face to face. Letting him see how serious I was.

" I hope you haven't told him about why I'm really marrying him." I said which had Anthony rolling his eyes before pushing me back down in my seat. He grabs a fistful of my hair, yanking my head up so that I could focus on him.

" do I look like I'm stupid to you?" He asked in a serious tone and I shook my head. He finally lets go off my hair, smirking at me like he thought that this was funny.

" I haven't told him any of that stuff so don't worry. I only told him about your father's passing and he may have asked me if I had anyone I was interested in." Why would emery want to know that? I couldn't stop the jealousy that I was feeling. What if he's interested in Anthony?

" I hope you told him about Treyton." Anthony picked up on the jealousy in my voice and started to laugh. I had every right to be jealous! This was no laughing matter.

" oh gosh you're stupid." He said before walking away, not answering my question. I got up and ran after him, making sure he knew I was serious. He only ignores me and continued walking as if I wasn't there. That's my best friend for you.

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