Chapter 2

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"Cause all I ever wanted was to be enough for you"
-Olivia Rodrigo

"Good morning, how can I help you?" I ask my first customer with a smile on my face.

He doesn't answer, he just looks at me with an unreadable expression on his face for a second too long while I shuffle nervously on my feet.

"Sir? Is there something I can get for you?" I try again, which seems to wake him from his trance.

"Right, um, sorry yeah. Not something, someone. Um does anyone with the name Matteo work here? I think this is the place he told us. Matteo Mor-"he begins to explain but I cut him off.

" Yeah yeah Matteo works here but he is not here at the moment. He has the evening shift. Would you like me to pass him a message? "

" Oh no that won't be necessary, I will be back in the evening with my brothers to meet him, it's supposed to be a surprise. " He replies, flashing me his pearly whites.

" Oh okay then, have a good day sir " I reply smiling politely.

" Ah please non of that. "He chuckles softly." I'm way too young to be called sir, Anthony is fine um... " He pauses to look at my name tug. The playful expression immediately leaves his face and is replaced by an almost unnoticeable frown."... Athena. " He whispers as if he can't believe that that's my name.

I mean, I know my name isn't that common but it's not weird. I actually quite like it, it's unique and beautiful.

I decide to break the awkward silence with a not so subtle cough.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Anthony. I hope your surprise goes well. " I say, the smile never leaving my face. In a job like this you have to always be polite.

"Right" He clears his throat " It was nice to meet you too Athena, thanks" He stands there for another couple of seconds just looking at me, while a awkwardly look around trying to avoid his burning gaze. "I'll be on my way then, goodbye"

He then proceeds to leave the diner but not before glancing back at me one more time.



After the incident with Anthony the diner was almost dead. Not many people came, most of them with coffees to go, only a few old people decided to sit and enjoy some breakfast.

When I was done serving everyone I decided to go and spend some of my free time with Noah. I feel really guilty for not being able to entertain him as much as before but I really can't do anything about it. I can't quit my job, it's our only income. And I can't cut my hours, the money I get are barely enough to survive. It's times like these I wish I had a family. To know how it feels to have someone else worrying for you. Caring for you. I sigh and look around. My eyes fall on a family of four. The mother is trying to feed a very stubborn young boy who can't be older than three years old, while the father has his daughter on his lap, whispering something in her ear causing her to laugh. I sigh again and smile at the sight. I shouldn't be complaining. I have Noah and Cade. That's all I need.

I'm startled by a hand being placed on my shoulder. I turn around and look straight at a beeming Matteo. I'm trying to glare at him for scaring me but when he opens his arms for a hug I can't help but drop the act and smile. A accept the hug and relax in his hold.

"How's my best friend this fine evening?" He asks while pulling away.

I let go of him "When you find her you can ask her. Your fevorite co-worker on the other hand is doing fine." I smile at his expression.

He places one hand over his heart and the other on his mouth. "You wound me bestie. You really do. Here I thought we were finally bonding."

I let out a laugh "Sorry Matteo. At least you're my third favorite person in the world. Second if you only count humans. That must be comforting right?" I give him a hopeful smile.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'm in your top three favorite people and you still deny to be my best friend." He grumbles under his breath.

I don't stop smiling until he turns around and goes into the kitchen to greet Jason. The moment he closes the door the bell over the front door chimes indicating the arrival of a customer.

Coreection: customers. Five tall and muscly guys walk in, one of which I recognize from earlier. Once they are seated I walk over to them to get their order.

"Good evening, what can I get for you?" I ask while taking out my notepad.

"Athena, hey, I thought you had the morning shift?" Anthony asks looking at me with confusion lacing his features.

"Oh I work both morning and evening shifts most days. As many as I can actually." I answer truthfully.

"How old are you? Don't you have school or something" One of the other guys asks looking slightly irritated.

Who pissed in your coffee this morning?

"Um..." I'm trying to think of a believable answer when my savior comes out from the kitchen. Once he spots us he grins and jogs over to us. Once he reaches us he places his arm over my shoulders and greets the guys.

"I see you've met my bestie" I roll my eyes. " What a pleasant surprise brothers, what are you doing here?"

I try to get out of his hold but he won't budge. So I just awkwardly stand there.

"Well we are doing just that, surprising you!" another boy grins. He looks a little younger than Anthony, exactly the same face like the sour one from before. Huh twins, cool. I wish I had a twin. Maybe then except from a face he could share my burdens as well. I sigh again. I seem to do that a lot today. Oh well.

I come back to reality by Matteo slightly nudging my side. I look up at him " Huh did you say something? Sorry I zoned out"

He chuckles. "That's fine Thena. I was wondering if you could take their orders so we can catch up for a bit" He looks at me with a hopeful expression.

"Yeah sure thing. Don't worry about it." I smile at him and turn to the others "So what can I get for you?"

For the first time I really look at the boys and when my eyes lock on the eyes of the guy in the corner I freeze. He seems to have the same reaction. We just stare at each other for a while until two voices call my name at the same time.

"Thena" the guy whispers
"Thena" Noah calls from behind me.


Here's chapter 2
She met the brothers yay!
Also how do you feel about Matteo? I quite like him:)


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