Chapter 39

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"You're just like an angel, your skin makes me cry"

Everything that happens after the fight is a blur. I don't remember when the rest of my brothers arrived, but they did, eventually.

I remember Alex pulling Volkov's lifeless body off of me. Tony was behind him, frantically asking if I was okay.

I think I nodded, I'm not sure.

I definitely remember Aaron picking up Gray's unconscious body from beside me and taking him away.

I must've asked if he was okay. Yeah, yes. I did ask if he was okay.

Then Alex picked me up as well. He was talking but I just couldn't understand what he was saying.

I tried to get off of him mumbling Apollo's name. He held me tighter.

He said I was hurt, but I felt fine.

Apollo was hurt. We should help Apollo. He had to help Apollo.

I turned to Tony who was walking beside us.

"Please, Tony. You need to help Apollo. He's hurt."

He looked at me sadly and nodded. "I know sweetheart. He's on his way to the hospital right now. That's where we are going too."

"He's okay?"

He opened the car door for us and then got in as well.

"Let me help you clean the blood, si?" Alex asked softly.

"I-It's not mine. I'm okay... Apollo?" My voice was barely a whisper. I just wanted to know about my brother. Why was no-one telling me how my brother was.

"Baby-" He sighs as he places me beside him. And that's when I notice it. All the blood. He seems soaked. And exhausted.

"Alex? A-Are you hurt? What happened?" I ask shakily.

He rubs his forehead and closes his eyes, "It's not mine either."

"Then whose?"

"Listen, Thena. We were ambushed. They were everywhere... I-I tried to save everyone but-" He explains but is interrupt by the driver announcing we've arrived at the hospital.

Everyone jumps out of the car and we all rush in. The only thing on my mind being Apollo. He needs to be okay.

I'm in a daze as I follow behind Alex and Tony, not really noticing the way to the room.

But I know we are there when I find a mass of people waiting on the hallway.

My eyes connect with Are's and I don't waste a moment before I rush to him and embrace him tightly.

His eyes are red and his breathing is fast.

"Athena, I-I..."

"I know, I know... He's gonna be okay. Everything is okay."

We pull away and I glance around the room, noticing another absence.

"Where is Enzo?"

"He went to the cafeteria, to bring everyone some food." Atlas replies, coming to stand beside him.

His arm goes around my shoulders and I instinctively lean in to him.

"And Noah is still safe?" I ask quietly.

Atlas nods, kissing my head softly.

Soon, Enzo comes back and we all sit in silence.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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