Chapter 7

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"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you but I was just kidding myself"
-Lewis Capaldi

I used to love rain. Everything about it is just so beautiful. The color of the sky, this rich mix of grays and blues, the sound of the droplets hitting the road and the relaxing effect it has on me. Most people are afraid of the sound of thunder and lightning but not me. No, I find it comforting because that means that it's gonna rain harder and longer. Rain ment no visits from them...

Maybe that's because I liked it so much. They never came when it was raining, I don't know why.

That was before, though. When I had a warm and secured place to stay. This house is too battered to keep the cold out and there are more holes than I can count on the ceiling. Now the rain is repulsing, I hate it.

At least today is my day off. Ms Nora said that I shouldn't be working everyday and since the weather seemed a bit off she decided that she wouldn't open the diner today.

So here I am now, hugging a shivering Noah to my chest while we are both cocooned in every blanket we could find.

Cade is also beside us, his body acting like a walking heater in this cold winter day.

I have a book in my hand and I read it out loud for Noah to listen as well. Books are our only form of entertainment, not that we are complaining. Noah shares my love for books and I couldn't be prouder.

I'm about to turn the page when Noah gently grabs my hand and turns to look at me.

"Thena" He begins.

"Yeah?" I ask while kissing the crown of his head softly.

"Can I ask you a question?" He looks at me with I small frown on his face.

"Go ahead" I urge him to continue while putting my hair in a low ponytail.

"Don't get this the wrong way..." A pause. "I know you had other brothers, you have told me..." Another pause "and I'm really thankful for having you, I really am. You are the best thing that has happened to me and I wouldn't trade you for the world. I love you so much and I appreciate everything that you have done for me."Another pause, longer than the previous ones " But where are they? If they are your brothers aren't they supposed to love you and care for you? Why aren't they here, helping us? Is it because of me? They don't want me with you? " He asks in a small voice and my heart breaks right then and there.

Why would he think that? He blames himself for the situation we're in? If anyone is at fault it should be me, I'm the one who made him run away with me and end up like this.

" No, baby no! You have nothing to do with it. They don't even know you exist. I haven't been in contant with my brothers for so, so many years. It's not your fault. Don't ever think that." I answer him while hugging him tightly.

"What happened between me and my brothers was a long time ago. You weren't even born. The last time I saw them was when I was four, just a tiny little girl, so I don't remember much." I continue, reassuring him.

I wish I could offer him more. I wish there was more I could do but I can't. I have reached my limits and I'm so tired. But I can keep going for just a little bit longer, I will keep going for a little bit longer.

I sigh " I'll tell you what. How about I go and make something to eat hm? Are you hungry?" I ask him with a smile, trying to lift his mood.

It seems to work because a beautiful smile graces his face. "Yeah, I am a bit hungry."

"Oh that won't do then. We have to feed you, young man and quickly" I say, trying to fake a British accent.

Terribly might I add.

At least it causes him to laugh "That was awful, Thena" He keeps chuckling

"Hey, don't make fun of me, I tried okay?" I grin at him.

I make us some sandwiches which we devour in seconds. I also give some food to Cade.

It's starting to get dark and with the night comes the cold. We cannot use the fireplace because people are going to see the smoke and realize that someone is staying here. We can't let that happen.

"Hey Noah, I think there is another blanket in the kitchen. Want me to go get it?" I ask him, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, it's getting kinda cold." He say and I get up to head towards the kitchen.

Once I reach it I immediately spot the blanket on a stool but that's not what catches my attention.

The window that had previously been broken by Matteo and his brother, the one I had spend a great time this morning to cover with a plastic bag and tape was now wide open. The air was blowing like crazy and I had to use a bobby pin to keep the baby hair out of my face. The can be pretty annoying.

I look around for the plastic bag but it's nowhere in sight. If it was blown away by the wind shouldn't it still be in here somewhere?

I check once again but I don't find it. I start to panic.

"Noah did you take the bag off of the window?" I shout to him without leaving the kitchen.

"No, why?" He shouts back.

Okay this is starting to freak me out.
My heart beats rapidly in my chest and I breath swiftly.

"Don't be paranoid, Athena, no-one knows you're here." I whisper to myself.

It was supposed to be a thought spoken out loud, not meant to be answered. That's why when a voice answers "Wrong" from behind me I start to panick.

I turn around rapidly only to be hit on the head with the back of a gun and everything goes black.


I know I am a bad person. I just love cliffhangers. Please vote and comment. Love you!


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