Chapter 24

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"Oh, dear diary, I met a boy, he made my doll heart light up with joy"

"I saw you with McSteamy in english" A blonde girl drops in the seat on my right and turns to look at me with an excited grin, "What's the tea?"

I'm so confused I don't even know what to comment on first. Who is she? Do I know her? Because she definitely acts like we're friends. But, of course, instead of asking any useful questions I wonder out loud,


"Ugh, I know right? I keep telling her that he's definitely McDreamy but she's a Sloan girl." A tall blonde guy drops in the seat on my left. He too, turns his body towards me. "I mean, don't get me wrong, Mark Sloan is HOT but I'm personally a Derek guy. And besides, King looks more like Derek than he does with Mark. He's got the whole dark look and the dark brown-almost black hair. And that face..." He trails off with a dreamy look in his eyes.

"I don't thi-"I try to talk but I'm interrupted by the girl's sudden outburst.

"You're so wrong, I'm not gonna have this conversation again. He's dark and hot-headed, he's definitely McSteamy. Why can't you just accept defeat for once in your life?" She exclaims passionately.

So far I've gathered that they are referring to King as Grey's anatomy characters. But why do they have to do that in front of me, I can't tell you.

"Because I'm not wrong! Tell her, Athena!" What? Me?


"Don't manipulate her! She has to decide for herself if we want it to be fair."

"How did I manipulate her? I just asked her a question!" The boy exclaims and then they both turn their attention to me, waiting expectantly for my answer.

"Uh, well... To be honest, I think he's a McSteamy kind of guy. The whole dangerous and playful aura gives off Mark Sloan vibes." I answer truthfully.

"I told you I liked her when I first saw her! Oh we're gonna be best friends, I'm so happy!" The girl exclaims excitedly while the boy mutters under his breath, "Playful aura my ass..."

"I'm Emery!" The girl extends her hand for me to shake, "Emery Lewis. And this dumbass over there is Blake."

I smile at how friendly she is. I really like her. I take her hand in mine and shake it gently. "Athena Moretti, nice to meet you!"

I notice that the moment they hear my name their expressions change from happy and carefree to shocked and astonished.

"No fucking way!" Blake mumbles in disbelief. "As in the Moretti Brothers' sister?"

I nod my head with a tight-lipped smile.

"Damn..." He continues, "No wonder you're so hot. Fucking genes."

My cheeks turn scarlet at his words but before I get a chance to say anything, Emery speaks.

"You know that your brothers are like Gods here right? They rule this place!"

I frown. "Do they really?"

"Uh, yeah! Them and King are like celebrities! It's considered a privilege to even talk to them." She informs me.

Athena जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें