Chapter 3

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"Distant memories are buried in the past forever"


"I'm gonna find you Thena, you can't hide from me" Alex shouts from somewhere in the kitchen.

I can't help the giggle that escapes my lips and I instantly cover my mouth.

"Ah what was that? Did you hear something Tony?" Alex asks, suddenly really closer to where I'm hiding.

"I think I heard something but I'm not sure. It could've been the wind you know." Tony answers and I sigh in relief.

"It was the wind, I heard it too. Maybe you should check outside Alex, I don't think she's here" Atlas adds immediately, before Alex gets a chance to reply.

"But we didn't even search the room yet, Atlas" Alex says causing a three year old Atlas to frown. Always trying to be my savior!

"Yeah, Alex he's right, she's clearly not here, let's go" Ares proposes causing everyone to agree reluctantly.

I hear loud footsteps leaving the room  and a door closing. I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding and giggle quietly. I can't believe it was that easy. I smile triumphantly to myself while I exit my hiding spot. Once I'm out though the smile from my face drops and is replaced by a deep frown.

There, standing by the door, are all five of my brothers, beaming at me.

"No fair guys! You tricked me." I complain while placing my hands on my waist and stomping stubbornly.

Atlas immediately runs up to me and engulfes me in a tight hug. "Sorry, Thena, I tried to get them out of here, I promise"

"It's okay, Atlas, that's why you're my favorite" I whisper to him, apparently not quite enough because the room fills with my brothers' angry voices.

"I thought it was me!"
"No, it was me"
"It's not fair, you are twins"
"Take that back Thena"

I giggle at their reaction. It's so funny to mess with them!

"I said take that back, Thena, or I'm gonna have to bring the tickle monster" Ares threatens and I gasp. Not the tickle monster!

"But I can't because then I'd be lying and mommy says lying is not good."l  reply with an innocent look on my face.

" Tickle monster it is then" Ares says and I'm suddenly ripped off of Atlas and into Alex's arms. I giggle and squirm in his grip trying to get away from Ares' and Apollos' fingers but to no avail.

"No! Leave her alone! " Atlas shouts.


"Thena" The boy whispers.
"Thena" Noah calls from beside me.

I stare back at the boy for another moment before I apologize and crouch in front of Noah.

"Yeah?" I smile at him.

"Can I maybe have a glass of water please? I'm kinda thirsty." He asks quietly, looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes that always manage to light up my day.

"Sure thing buddy. Just give me a minute to take this order and I'll bring it to your table" I answer while ruffling his fair.

He hugs me and whispers a small thank you before going back to his table. I stand back up and face the boys once again.

"Sorry about that. So, what can I get for you?" I smile apologetically.

Before the guys get a chance to reply, Matteo buts in "Bring five specials, they have to try them"

"Don't you want one?" I ask, knowing how much he loves the special.

"Nah, I had one earlier. What do you think I was doing all this time in the kitchen?" He winks at me and I smile.

"Alright, five specials coming right up" I say before turning around and heading for the kitchen.

While I'm waiting for their food, I can't help but think back to that memory. Those boys that I was playing with had to be my brothers. But how? How could I remember them? It's been years and I haven't had a vivid memory like this for a long time. It's usually faceless people and inaudible sounds. But not this time. I could hear their voices and I could see them clearly. I heard their names. Alex, Tony, Ares, Apollo, Atlas. I didn't remember their names before. I could be wrong but who else could they be? I didn't have any friends at the orphanage so it has to be from before. So what caused this memory to resurface?

Could it be that boy? God, that boy. He looks exactly like me. I'm not even kidding when I say he has my face. And I think he noticed it too. Why else would he be speechless? Now, I know I had a twin before and I'd be an idiot to ignore the facts. A guy, about my age, who looks exactly like me and has four brothers. Sounds familiar right? But then again, Matteo called them "brothers" so that'd be six brothers total. According to the memory none of them was called Matteo.

Maybe I'm just overthinking and it's all a coincidence. A cruel joke played by destiny to show me what having a family can be like. What having my family could be like.

I know I keep saying that Noah is my brother and I don't need anyone else. But there is this small part of me that still craves for my big brothers' attention. I was just a little girl, barely four years old. What did I do wrong to make them hate me? Why didn't my parents want me anymore?

I don't remember the day I was kicked out and maybe that's for the best. I just know that one minute I was in my room, playing with my dolls and the next I was in a foreign place with a bunch of other kids, crying and screaming for their parents.

I remember asking for my parents and panicking but I never cried. I know for a fact that I didn't cry. I wanted to make my dad proud because he always said that whenever  I am in scary situation I should use my mind and not let my emotions interfere.

The night he told me that, he also pinky promised that he would always be there for me and in return he asked me to always stay his happy little princess and not let the world bring me down.

I used to believe that pinky promises were unbreakable but now that I think back to it I can see how we both lied that night.


Chapter 3 people! I dont really like this chapter. The next one though... Please vote and comment. Love you! 


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