Chapter 4

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"In days of old, when nights were cold I wandered without you"
-Deep Purple

The rest of the evening was uneventful. The brothers had to leave early because an important business thing came up. At least that's what Matteo said. I didn't even get to serve them their food.

Ms Nora came in after a while and told me that I could go home since it was getting late and the diner was almost empty. This woman is too good.

So here I am now, sitting on the floor with a sleeping Noah on my lap. Cade is curled up beside me and I gently pet his fur. He was alone all day so he needs some attention.

I'm about to fall asleep as well when suddenly Cade starts growling, facing the kitchen door. I sit up quietly, placing Noah on a makeshift bed that I made out of old clothes and cushions and head for the kitchen with Cade by my side.

Just as I'm about to enter there is a crushing noise like someone just broke glass. I quickly hide by the door and wait until I hear something more.

I know that the logical thing to do right now would be run and never look back, but where am I supposed to go? To the police? Ha that's funny.

I can hear footsteps, people stepping on broken glass. It's definitely more than one person in there. I'm gonna die.

I quickly run back to the living room and take a knife out of my bag before going back to the kitchen. If I'm quick enough I might be able to take one of them down with me.

Just as I'm about to enter the kitchen and attack first, I hear some muffled and hushed voices.

"He's gonna kill us. Oh god he's gonna kill us. I told you it was a bad idea but why would you listen to me. No one ever listens to me" Thing 1 says.

"Oh please, like you didn't enjoy it. Stop being a baby, Matt and take responsibility, if you didn't want to come you wouldn't." Thing 2 answers irritated.

"Fine, it was kinda nice. But what are we supposed to tell him when he sees us like this. 'Oh hey Leo, didn't see you there. What things on our faces? Oh these? Yeah we fell off the bed while sleeping and hit our heads pretty bad. Yeah both of us' How does that sound, believable enough? "Matt, apparently, whispers harshly.

"Oh shut it. We'll tell him the truth. It's not like it's the first time we got into a fight" A pause." Besides I thing they lost us, we're safe" Thing 2 replies.

Is this a good time to show my self? Should I show myself? I could wait until they're gone but then I wouldn't have the element of surprise. I should wait until they leave, surely they won't spend the whole night here.

I'm about to head back to the living room before they notice me but Cade seems to have other plans. He starts barking and growling from the kitchen door making our presence known.

Well, there goes the element of surprise...

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE AND DROP THE KNIFE DOWN, NOW" One of the guys shouts, while pointing a gun at me and I quickly do as he says.

"Enzo she's just a girl, what the hell are you doing, put your damn gun down" The other guy exclaims annoyed.

Wait. I know that voice. I look up and gasp.

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