9. Late Night Call

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Maxwell's POV

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Maxwell's POV


Today was weird.

Especially that moment when Bryce and I were in the closet and he was spaced out. He stared at my face intently. Almost like he was looking at all of my features and admiring them. Once he snapped out, that look went away and hesitation came back.

There's no way Bryce could be gay. During school, there was always talk of Bryce and his... endeavors. Girls upon girls upon girls. I'm sure you can fill a book, so to speak. I was actually disgusted by the amount of girls he hooked up with. He dated Pacifica during senior year. And he stopped hooking up with people.

Me? To be honest, I've always wondered about my sexuality. It's definitely not straight! I can recall the many guys I would gawk at in the locker room. I remember my first kiss, Jasmine Costello, under the slide in third grade. I did not enjoy it. The kiss felt off.

Bryce and I being in the closet sent weird tingles down my spine. His body was way too close to me. Not that I didn't like it. I think I did. His hot breath on my face and his black wavy hair falling onto his forehead.

That felt right.

I laid in bed while I thought about that whole scene. I imagined a scenario where Bryce actually decided to kiss me. That scenario split into two, one where I kissed him and the other where he kissed me. Then that split into multiple scenarios where we dated and in the future we were still together.

God! I need to shut up!

I looked at the clock. It read 10:54 pm. I decided to call Bryce. I hope he's awake. It's summer. He has to be.

"Max? Are you okay? Are you hurt? What's going on?" Bryce answered frantically.

"Dude, relax. I just wanted to call you." I chuckled and blushed at his concern about my wellbeing.

"It's 10! I should be getting my beauty sleep." He exhaled.

"You don't need anymore." I softly spoke into the phone.

"Did you say something?" He asked.


"Mm 'kay. So why'd you call me? Are you confessing your everlasting love?" I can feel his sexy smirk through the phone.

"I'm just bored. It's not that deep." I spoke flatly.

"Awww! I was the first person you called! I feel honored!" He cooed.

"It was either you or the police."

"Ouch! Since you're bored, what were you doing before?"

'Thinking of us being together.' I said in my head.

"I was thinking about our next place."

"I was gonna ask where but I know you wont tell me." He chuckled.

"Got that right! What were you doing before I called?"

"Was hanging out with my little sis. Thank God you called before she made me sit down and watch more Sofia the First." I laughed.

"I do what I can. Sorry about almost getting us arrested earlier. I didn't expect that to take a turn."

"No worries, old sport. It was fun! But I'm hoping the next place isn't another illegal activity."

"Actually... I can't promise it's not."

"Jesus! How many laws have you broken, Maxwell Knox?"

"Too many to count." Of course I was kidding. "Listen. Our next place is gonna be a little away from town. It's gonna be on the highway but within city limits."

"Sounds fine. Need to bring anything?"

"Just your fine self"

"That's the only good thing I can do!"

"That's the only good thing I can do!"

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my hair is so mfking soft i can't stop running my hands through it!!

bye! i love you all!


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