Chapter Eight: Drunken Confidence

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Maybe I should've listened.

God, my head hurts.

"I told you that you were not going out tonight. To stay inside, yeah." He growls, refraining from snapping at me I'm assuming.

"Umm." I try.

"But what did you do? You don't listen, you come here and get yourself yanked up by one of the most psychotic killers on the east coast." He bites out, throwing his hands into the air.

Well when you put it like that...

"I should kill you right now. You would be dead if you were anyone else." He lets out almost under his breath. In which the alcohol left in my system didn't like that response.

You know I'm so tired of that fucking line.

"You know what, go ahead Alec, kill me. Because I'm honestly fucking over this shit." I yell, walking off to the car he still has no idea is here. I pull out the keys, unlocking the car.

"Is that one of my cars!"

I completely ignore the question."Besides maybe if you had communicated more maybe this wouldn't have ha-" I'm cut off by the back of my neck being grabbed and the back of my body slamming against his front. My stomach fills with butterflies as he turns me around, pushing me against the car. His arms trap me against the car as he leans forward.

"Por qué te comportas así?" Placing my head back on the car, my blue eyes meet his hazel ones. (Why do you behave like this?| Spanish)

"I hate you." I seethe. He takes a step closer, damn near pressing his front against mine, it takes strength from both heaven and hell to look at this man in the eye.

"You know...for someone who claims to hate me so much, you sure as hell don't act like it, Rose." His voice just above a whisper. He snatches the keys out my hand, placing me in the car. The car ride is silent. No one says anything mainly because I have nothing to say to him.

We finally make it home when Alec sends the rest of the guards home, telling him he will deal with him later. I walk up the stairs to my room, mumbling.

"Asshole" I hear his pace pick up. "What was that?" He follows after me. I am so over this... over it. I go in my room, slam the door but make the mistake of not locking it as he walks in and marches straight to me.

"What is your problem, Rose?" He demands. Fuck him. Fuck this place. Fuck this life. "Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because I'm stuck in here like a damn prisoner. Or that you are so fucking rude and inconsiderate." His face in shock as if he's saying that's a new one.

"INCONSIDERATE? Your living in my house until MY PROTECTION!" He bites louder. "YOU MEAN STUCK IN THIS HOUSE!" I challenge and he scoffs loudly.

"You were always like this." He points at me, backing away a little.

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