Chapter 13

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Theo and I had a mild talk while our ride to the mall. We talked here and there and then went silent. The silence was not awkward. It was comfortable. Though Theo wanted to know more about me, I couldn't tell him anything.

I don't have a favorite movie, show, food or a game. I've rarely watched movies. That too when I had no chores and mom and dad were watching some movie on the TV. I don't really know much variety of foods. I mean I know different foods but I don't know how they taste. I don't have a favorite game as I didn't really enjoy sports in school.

Theo put some songs and the ride to the mall was peaceful so far. Theo seems to be a nice person. I'm not scared of him and he doesn't intimidate me, like Vince and the others do. Except for Angelina, of course!

Soon we reached a huge mall. It was really huge and there was quite some crowd. Theo parked his car, got out and opened the door for me. It reminds me how Vince had the same manners the first time we met.

I got out of the car. Theo closed the door and faced me with a serious expression.

"Aria, there are some ground rules while we are in the mall. Always stay by my side. Never wander off without informing me. Don't leave my sight. Do you understand?", he said with a serious expression.

I take my word back. He can be scary too if he choses to be. I gulped and nodded.

"Words Aria.", he said in a firm tone.

"Y-Yes.", I stuttered. Now he is making me nervous too!

He sighed and said with a soft expression, 

"This is for your safety, Aria. I didn't mean to scare you but I don't want to take any chances when it comes to security, yes?"


"Good, now cheer up! Let's go buy everything and anything you need and want.", he grinned.

My nerves relaxed and I smiled back.

As he said, I was walking close to him.

"So what do you want to buy first?", he questioned looking at the stores.

I didn't know what I need to buy and what they want me to buy. 

"I-I don't k-know.", I stuttered and started fiddling with my fingers, my head bowed down.

He lifted my chin with his finger and smiled softly,

"Chin up, princess. Always keep your head high. And it's fine. Let's go buy some clothes for you first.". I nodded.

Then we walked into a store with many different styles of clothes. I looked at the price tag and my head started spinning. Is he serious? Does he really want me to buy clothes in this shop! They are way too expensive. I would have never even seen such huge amount of money in my whole life.

Theo started checking out a few tops and threw them in the cart. He was putting too many clothes in the cart. I was just following him awkwardly. Can I really pick something from this store?

"Aria, why are you just staring. Pick anything you like. Do you maybe want to try out some of these?", he asked pointing at the pile of clothes he threw in the cart.

"I uh I . Don't you think that's too much?", I questioned him pointing at the cart.

"Not at all. There really are more designs in other stores. After buying here we will go there. So pick up anything you like, if I missed it.", he said with a wave of his hand.

"Other stores? But this already costs so much. I don't even need such expensive clothes. That too so many!", I said nervously.

Why do I need so many clothes! Back at home, I used to have just four pair of clothes. Moreover, they are so expensive. I don't want to come off as needy or a person using them and their money. As I was in my thoughts, Theo snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Hey where are you lost?", he asked with a frown.

"S-Sorry, I zoned out.", I said.

He sighed.

"Listen Aria, what is ours is yours. Whatever we own, it belongs to you too. You are our sister. I am just spoiling my sister. So cheer up!", he said, keeping his both hands on my shoulders, giving it a light squeeze.

That relaxed me. No one had ever called me their relative. He is acknowledging our relationship. He is accepting me as his sister. That is all I ever wanted. That is all I ever wished for. For someone to accept me, if not love me. He is the first one to acknowledge our bond.

Theo is my favorite brother!

Tears pooled in my eyes, remembering how I always wished for my parents' acceptance and now when someone is finally accepting me, it feels so happy.

Theo wiped my tears gently and I realized I have been crying.

"Hey, is everything ok? What happened, princess?", he asked in a gentle voice.

"I-I just g-got a little e-emotional", I said wiping my tears.

He wiped my tears and hugged me. That moment I relaxed. It felt so warm and comfortable. I felt safe and protected.

"Shh. Can you still continue shopping, princess? Do you want to go home?", he asked.

"We can c-continue.", I whispered.

I don't want to ruin this day. I don't want to ruin my time with Theo. He is the first person I felt so safe and warm with. I want to know him more. I want to bond with him more.

He broke the hug and smiled, "Let's go then!".

"But you really don't have to buy so much.", I said.

He waved his hand dismissively and said, 

"Oh that's not much. It would hardly make a difference to my bank balance. The boys shop way more than this. They keep buying stuff that sometimes doesn't really make sense.".

"What about Angelina?", I couldn't help but ask. She seems like a nice person. I hope we could be like sisters. We are sisters. I would like to know her more.

He chuckled, "Angel is not really fond of shopping. She gets too lazy when it comes to shopping.".

I smiled and asked, 

"How old is she? Is she my younger sister or elder sister?".

Theo's smile vanished and he stiffened.


So, here is the next chapter.

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What is your opinion on Arianna?

How do you think Theo is going to answer?

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Yours lovingly, 


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