Chapter 68

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Third Person POV

(6 years ago)

A man, who was in his early thirties, with tanned complexion, brown eyes, a tall and muscular build, wearing a black suit with an earpiece and black goggles, was driving an expensive grey car.

An eight year old Angelina was sitting at the back seat of the car, staring out of the window at the passing roads and streets.

Suddenly she remembered something and looked at the man driving the car.

"Mr. Hawkins", Angel called out.

"Yes, Ms. Marino", the guy answered in a flat voice with a little gentle edge to his tone.

"Don't call me Ms. Marino. Call me Angelina.", she said with a pout.

"I am afraid I can't do that, Miss.", the guy answered.

"Come on! You give the same answer every time I ask you to call me by my first name.", Angel said with the pout still in tact.

"And no matter how many times I give the same answer, you still insist me to call you by your first name.", the guy said in a neutral voice, casting a glance at her in the rear view mirror with a slight amusement in his eyes.

"We know each other for so long, Mr. Hawkins. Why can't you just call me Angelina?", Angel asked with a huff.

"I can't, Miss. But you can call me Dave.", he said in a gentle tone.

"I will call you that when you call me Angelina.", she said in all seriousness and gave him a firm look.

Dave chuckled a little at her antics.

He felt that the girl looked cute when she was stubborn and angry.

He wanted to maintain a stoic posture during his working hours but the girl somehow would always succeed in bringing a small smile on his face.

He adored the girl but would never admit it. He was required to be very professional during his working hours but he couldn't help but talk to the girl and enjoy a little time in peace.

He was a man with a not so happy past and masked his pain behind his stoic face and empty eyes. 

But the little girl whom he was meant to guard was a bundle of liveliness.

He had been guarding her since she was five years old, almost for three years now.

The girl never stopped talking even though she was given just monotone answers.

She would not stop until she's completed what she wanted to say. She was ever enthusiastic and full of life with always a warm and comforting smile dancing on her lips.

And knowingly or unknowingly, Dave had started lowering the walls he built for himself slowly when he was around her.

She was a source of peace and he was craving for it for a very long time now.

Her non-stop ranting, her ever enthusiastic personality, her warm smile and her cute antics managed to soothe his aching heart at least a little.

And it did not help that the little girl always reminded him of a very special person in his life.

But she also reminded him of his constant failure and pain.

But if he had to choose which one he wants to remember, he would choose to take the little peace the girl manages to spread.

"Mr. Hawkins", Angel's loud voice brought him out of his thoughts.

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