Chapter 85

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Third Person POV

"What have you done?", Vince asked calmly, way too calm.

Everyone stood rooted to their places, no one willing to speak up.

Even Theo averted his eyes and stood silent.

"I'm asking you a question.", Vince probed further.

Though he didn't raise his voice, the subtle change in his tone was enough to let everyone know that he isn't pleased with their father walking out all of a sudden. At least for Vince it looked like it was all of a sudden.

"Enough with all this. Everyone,  go back to your rooms.", Vince said strictly, as he understood that none of his siblings was going to talk.

"But-", Dylan started but one look at Vince and he went quiet.

"If you are going to answer my question, talk. Otherwise, there's nothing for you to say. Leave.", Vince said seriously and no one dared to oppose him.

One by one, Ace, Dylan, Angel, Aria and Ash walked out dejectedly.

Theo knew he was the one who needed to answer Vince's questions now.

Vince didn't say anything and calmly sat down on the sofa.

He picked up a business magazine and very calmly flipped through the pages.

Theo had no idea how to start and where to start. 

Though he very well knows that what Ash had said today to their father is nothing but the truth and was a reality check to their father, he couldn't possibly say that to Vince.

He knew his brother would not be pleased with the way they talked to their father.

Though their father had grown quite distant in the years and though Vince seems to maintain his distance from their father due to god knows what reasons, Theo knew that Vince still respected their father and any disrespect towards him will not be accepted by Vince.

Theo looked at his brother, who was casually going through a magazine, and didn't know how to tell him what happened.

"Vince", Theo called calmly.

No response.

"It wasn't us who started the argument. It was dad.", Theo said, sitting on the couch, opposite to his brother.

"What was the argument about?", Vince asked calmly, placing the magazine aside and looking straight at Theo.

"The boys.", was all Theo said.

"What did dad say?", Vince asked.

"I can't narrate everything but he didn't like the boys being carefree and having fun.", Theo answered with a sigh.

Vince was displeased hearing that.

He very well knew the mindset and way of thinking of his father, uncle and grandfather.

Aurelio and he received first hand treatment from them when they were growing up.

He didn't want his brothers going through that. He always made sure they maintained balance in enjoying their lives and training themselves to get stronger, physically, mentally and emotionally.

He had dealt with their ways all through his childhood. At least Aurelio came a few years later.

He made sure Theo didn't have to go through all that as a kid and it was relatively simpler in Theo's case as that was the time their father had been completely out of their lives. 

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