Chapter 75

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"Long time no see, Angelina.", I greeted.

She froze midway on the staircase but didn't turn around.

"Wow! No greetings for us, brother?", Dylan said sarcastically.

I looked at him with a raised brow.

"You need one?", I questioned with a bored look.

Dylan and Ash scoffed.

Ace just shook his head slightly with a small smile and hugged me.

"You've gained quite some muscle.", I commented, hugging him back.

As I broke the hug, Ash came and hugged me with a bored look as always and then Dylan hugged me with a scowl.

Typical Dylan!

I then looked at Angel and she was slowly walking up the stairs.

As sneaky as ever!

"You haven't greeted me, little sister.", I stated calmly.

She froze yet again but didn't turn around.

I looked at Dylan and the twins and they understood what I meant and walked away.

Angel and I stood in silence for a while and I decided to break it, otherwise it will go on forever.

I walked to her and gently put my hand around her shoulder.

"We should go to the terrace. It will be more peaceful.", I said calmly.

She hummed but didn't look at me.

I removed my hand around her shoulder, realizing we still haven't resolved our issue yet.

We then walked to the terrace and stood near the railing, both of us staring straight ahead and not speaking a word.

After a while in silence, I decided to speak up.

We really had an ugly fight a few months ago.

I lost my composure for the first time and was really rude and impassive.


Everyone in the house knows we both had a fight but didn't know what it was about.

Vince doesn't allow his siblings to meddle between the two siblings who have an argument or a fight.

He says it's better to always let the two sort it out and the others involved will only mess up everything. 

We are not strangers to need someone else to settle our fight. We are siblings. We fight and reconcile all the time. The involvement of a third person will only increase the distance, even if it is our own sibling.

So, Vince never asked me why we had a fight and neither did the others.

It's better this way. I don't need someone else to dictate terms about my relationship with my sister.

"You were right, you know?", Angel's soft voice broke my chain of thoughts.

I looked at her calmly but she still didn't look at me.

"I wasn't.", I said.

"No, you were. I really wasn't trying hard enough to get over the past.", she said with a disappointed smile.

"I wasn't right. Getting over something traumatic takes time. It can't be rushed. I was just being unreasonable.", I stated calmly, staring straight ahead at nothing in particular.

"Anna too had a rough past. I don't know what exactly she faced but she did have a traumatic past of her own. But she tried for a better tomorrow from the first day of therapy itself. I won't say she got over her past but she definitely did fight hard. She still is fighting hard. But I didn't. After seeing her I understood I had been putting much less effort to fight my own demons. And now I am somewhat better than how I was a few months ago. So, you were right, I was being unreasonable.", she said and released a breath.

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