Chapter 30

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"What's happening here?", came a voice that made everyone of us freeze in our places.

It was one of the teachers, Mr. Smith. He teaches geography to the higher grade students. He is a very strict teacher and does not tolerate any misbehavior. I doubt if he is equally strict with people like Elena and my brothers!

"What's  going on here? What's the meaning of this?", he asked in a firm tone.

I looked at Angelina and she was looking at me, then at Elena, who by the way, is still on the ground with the juice and milk all over her hair, face and it was spreading on the upper part of her white shirt. 


I did it though!

And she completely deserved it!

But, I realize that I'm in big trouble. If my situation was bad before, it is terrible now. How am I going to explain all this to Vince!

"Who did this?", Mr. Smith's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

Angelina looked at me and then at him. My friends also looked tensed. Elena is fuming and glaring at me. Her so called friends were giving me dirty glares.

"I'm asking who did this?", Mr. Smith asked in a firm tone.

"Mr. Smith, I-", Angelina started to say but was cut off by one of Elena's so called friends.

"It is her, Mr. Smith.", Elena's friend said pointing at me.

"Karen's right, Mr. Smith. That girl did all this.", other one of her friends added.

So, the other girl I saw in the washroom is Karen.

"Is that true, Ms.", Mr. Smith asked looking at me.

I was getting tensed. Words got struck in my throat. I really did it, but how will I tell him the reason why I did it? I can't possibly tell them the comments Elena passed about Angelina. It would be disrespectful to her.

What do I do?

How will I tell Vince? Will Angelina support me? Will Vince listen to me if I say I'm not at fault? Will he get angry because I broke one of his rules? Will he punish me? How will he punish me?

Thinking of all this, my heartbeat started increasing. My breathing quickened, it wasn't noticeable to others, but I could feel it. I am starting to panic. All the memories of my past experience are flashing in my mind. That's making me even more restless.

"I'm waiting for an answer, Ms.", Mr. Smith said.

My palms started sweating and I fisted my palms to prevent everyone from noticing the slight trembling of my fingers. I'm on the verge of a panic attack. The past memories are just worsening my situation.

"Mr. Smith, there is a reason why Arianna did what she did.", Angelina said to Mr. Smith.

"Yes, Mr. Smith. It wasn't Arianna's fault.", Mae supported me.

"No. She did this in front of everyone. How can someone do like this, Mr. Smith!", Karen exclaimed.

"Yes. She humiliated Elena in front of everyone. It's completely her fault.", her friend added.

"It's not. She deserved what she got!", Julia scoffed.

"That's not the way to speak, Ms. Evans.", Mr. Smith said and Julia looked away.

"Mr. Smith, it's not Arianna's fault.", Angelina said calmly.

Each passing second, my anxiety is starting to increase.

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