Chapter 87

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Third Person POV

"Welcome, my dear grandchildren.", a deep, cold male voice was heard.

Aurelio faintly stiffened.

Dylan, the twins and Angel froze in their spot.

Aria, on the other hand, jumped a little startled and looked at the entrance of the living room.

She saw a man, who she assumed could be in his late sixties or early seventies, was standing with a stoic face and blank eyes.

He was as tall as Aurelio, had greyish hair that was swept back neatly and his eyes were a shade of brown.

Overall, he looked fit for his age, making him look younger than he truly is.

Apart from the way he looked, Aria could feel the immense authoritarian aura the man was exuding.

He was looking like a king in true sense.

A rather scary and intimidating king.

Aurelio turned around and faced his grandfather.

Dylan and the twins turned around and looked at their grandfather with no emotion in their eyes, successfully concealing the nervousness.

Angel, on the other hand, didn't want to face the old man.

She was nervous and at that moment she regretted coming to Italy.

But, she reminded herself that she was doing this for her brother and pep talked herself into staying strong.

But it wasn't easy. It wasn't as easy as she thought.

Dylan could feel his sister's agitation and squeezed her hand in assurance and support.

He realized that even Aria might get intimidated and scared of their grandfather and gestured to Ace to go to her.

Ace nodded his head and walked to Aria.

He gently removed the hold of their grandmother on his sister and gently wrapped his hands around Aria's shoulder in support.

Aria readily snuggled closer to her brother as the tension in the air was making her anxious.

Bianca felt offended when Ace pulled his sister away from her embrace. But she let the matter slide for the moment.

Nina smiled softly looking at how protective her nephews were over Aria.

Aurelio looked at Dylan and gestured to him to speak.

Dylan cleared his throat, gaining his grandfather's attention, who was busy looking at Aria.

"Hello, nonno(grandfather). It's good to see you.", Dylan greeted calmly.

Their grandfather gave him a curt nod.

Ace and Ash followed suite and greeted their grandfather in a voice devoid of all emotions, earning a nod from him.

Ace squeezed Aria's shoulder in support and Aria was going to greet the old man but Bianca cut her off.

"Donatello, meet our princess.", Bianca said with a small smile, looking at her husband and gently ruffling Aria's hair.

Donatello looked at Aria and his eyes turned a tad bit gentle, almost unnoticeable.

"It's finally good to see in person, Arianna.", he greeted her in his deep voice, with a very faint gentle edge to his tone.

Aria slightly flinched which didn't go unnoticed by Ace but he chose to keep quiet for the moment.

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