Chapter 57

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Today is a holiday but here I am in front of my therapist's cabin instead of enjoying my day.


I am standing in front of her cabin's door as it is my turn to go in.

To say I am nervous is an understatement.

My heart is beating at an unusually fast rate and each nerve in my body is tensed.

Not that I have not come here before but today is different.

The past few months I have done nothing but go into her cabin and sleep and she used to try everything in her will to try to talk to me.

But today, I have to speak to her.

I decided to get better and fight my fears to start getting better just like Anna. And also I promised her so there is no going back.

But the mere thought of opening up to someone is terrifying.


I don't know. It's just how I feel.

Maybe I am scared to relive all those incidents again.


Why can't there just be a medicine which erases all our bad memories!

"Miss Stevens is asking you to go in, Ms.", the assistant's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah uh okay.", I replied looking at the assistant.

I looked back at the cabin door and took a deep breath.

You can do it, Angelina!

I encouraged myself.

As if I am going into a haunted house!

I thought rolling my eyes internally.

But a haunted house is better than meeting my therapist.


"Ms.", the assistant urged me further to go in.

I nodded at her with a nervous smile and finally twisted the door's knob and went in, closing the door behind me.

Kaylee was sitting behind the table, on her chair, with her index finger and thumb under her chin and was looking right at me.



I went and sat on one of the two chairs opposite to hers on the other side of the table.

I gathered some courage and looked at her and she is already looking at me.

I gave her a small hesitant smile and she raised her brow a little surprised.

"Did something happen to the original Angelina?", she asked.

"Huh?", I looked at her confused.

"You always stared at the wall behind me these past few months. It is strange that you are looking at me today.", she said amused.

I looked away embarrassed.

"Hey! Don't take your eyes off me. Otherwise I will have to wait for a few more months to earn your look.", she teased.

I am pretty sure my face started heating up due to embarrassment.

"Why are you teasing me?", I asked seriously, looking back at her.

"I am just stating the facts.", she replied nonchalantly and I scoffed.

She is indeed stating the facts though!

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