vi. Propose

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IT HIT YOONGI a week later how he remembered her. The revelation was ground-breaking as if a memory had unlocked and flooded into his brain in enlightenment. Every question he sought the answer to was answered, and it happened on a simple morning when he woke up. His dream through the night reminded him, as if his mind had finally cracked the code to replay the scene where he had first seen her.

Yoongi hadn't crossed paths with her since that night, when she left him in his kitchen. Even though he knew he was too busy, he wondered if she was avoiding him. What if she moved? What if she fell off the face of the Earth again? He wouldn't be able to sleep a normal night again if that happened.

Sometimes, he imagined getting off on the third floor from the elevator after coming home from work. He imagined walking up to her door, and courageously knocking on it just to see her again.

On one night, he finally gathered that courage. And he had a plan, too.

It was past 9, the moon shining brightly outside, the weather clear, a huge contrast to the storm brewing in Yoongi's head. He stood in front of her door, cracking his knuckles as he rehearsed what he was going to say to her. It was probably a waste of time anyways—his encounters with Bee were never predictable. But it was better to be fake-prepared than to go up to her empty-handed.

He knocked on the door.

Shit, there's a doorbell, Yoongi widened his eyes after seeing the button on the wall that he failed to notice. Should I ring it? No, I just knocked. But what if she didn't hear it? Did I knock that weakly? Shit, I don't remember. Maybe I'll just knock again—

The door opened.

Standing in the doorway was Bee, a bottle of beer in her hand and her appearance quite disheveled. It sparked a bit of curiosity and concern in Yoongi, but reminded himself what he was there for.

"Yoongi?" she blinked, opening the door a bit more in shock.

"Give me piano lessons."

She swung the door shut.

However, Yoongi was quick to stop it, putting his palm against the door before it could shut. It easily opened, and he could peek inside, seeing Bee already walking away from the door.

"Bee—!" he huffed, opening the door fully and walking inside. "I'm serious," he said, watching Bee turn around lazily, the beer bottle swishing in her hand. She was obviously drunk. Yoongi almost shivered from how cold her house was.

"What the hell are you talking about?" she cocked her eyebrow, unimpressed.

"I'm asking you to give me piano lessons," Yoongi walked up to her, a determined expression on his face.

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