Chapter- 2

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A huge shoutout and thanks to @fairytaledaisy_ who basically wrote all the medical parts of the chapter. You are the best Doc!!❤❤

Agasthya's POV -

Taking rounds of the patients in the ICU was how any doctor's day starts in the hospital and I was not an exception.

" How are you doing today Farmaan?" I asked one of the patients who had undergone the surgery just two days ago as I checked his medical charts.

" Better doctor." He replied and I gave him a nod after telling the nurse in charge to complete his paperwork and shift him to the ward post his breakfast.

" Dr. Agasthya you are required in the E.R. It is a cardiac emergency." My pager pinged as I had just handed over the charts to the nurse and I made way to the emergency room as fast as I could.

" Doctor he is 74 years and has hypertension, abnormal stress, inferior MI, angina to the ER vitals. Brought here in the ambulance with the IV line connected and initial treatment with aspirin nitrates and clopidogrel has been given and he was brought here within forty five minutes.

" Sister de Mello please get his admission procedure completed and shift him to the OT immediately and start the procedure. I will be right there." I instructed and went to change into the scrubs before walking into the Operation Theatre.

" What is the status?" I asked Dr. Seni who was a junior resident doctor and was assisting me with the surgery.

" The vitals have been taken and IV is started, connecting the patient to the monitor. The oxygen probe in connected and the chest lead and BP cuff is attached to the patient." He informed and I nodded, taking over.

I then inserted the guiding catherer in the radial artery and thereded to coronary osteum.

" Sister how is the vital count looking?" I asked her.

" They are not getting worse Doctor." She replied.

The balloon tipped catheter guided by fluoroscope and was aligned within the stenosis and then I infated the balloon to disrupt the atherosclerotic plaque and dilated the artery.

" Keep him under observation for the next forty eight hours in the ICU and page me if something is off." I instructed Dr. Seni before walking out of the OT.


" Mom what is it?" I saw her waiting for me in my cabin as I made way after changing back from the scrubs.

" Your father and I have a girl in our mind. She is the daughter of a friend of mine from school and we reconnected just last year." She said as I took the seat, paying attention to the file on my desk. I had a major surgery tomorrow.

" Is something wrong with her? I am sure I can fit her for an appointment sometime this week." I replied to her. A favor or two for mom's friend is always okay.

" Agasthya sometimes I really don't get when you are kidding or actually serious. Nothing is wrong with Rashmi's daughter. I am talking about her because I want you to meet her once. From what I have heard, she is a nice girl and she may be the one for you beta." She explained herself and I resisted the urge to ignore her suggestion but did not say anything.

Agasthya I am done with you. You are a cardiologist, you are achieving everything that a person aims to, you have just been awarded the best doctor under thirty award, you have your own hospital, and everything. What is the problem now?" She asked once again and this time I couldn't ignore her.

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