Chapter- 17

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Sagarika's POV -

Locating Taheen Khan was in all honesty, not a task at all. He was just there in plain sight with a huge coffee truck labelled Taheen's Mocha and mind you, it was crowded. It was not just coffee, it was whole of a breakfast situation that he was dealing with.

" Mr. Khan can we please get one plate of dal tadka with Chaawal?" I spoke our code in Hindi and his eyes immediately lit up in partial recognition and understanding.

" Of course, of course." He said as asked us to wait for a bit as he tended to the customers before reversing the truck's sign to CLOSED as he came to where we had taken a seat.

There was hardly anyone nearby as we started to talk, in Hindi. Anything other than that was too risky.

" Lashkar's chief, Ameer was here just last week staying in a hotel two blocks away. His right hand, Jamal is still lingering around in the city, staying in the same hotel. I did not sniff around to find out because I had my instructions that my cover should not blow away under any circumstances but whatever I know, is in this pen-drive. It is password protected and I am told that you are aware of it. A house cleaning person will be there in Room 429 for room service and will leave the pen-drive there. Any assistance that you both shall require will be given to you and starting now, you two will not come here or be seen with me. I will have my ways to contact you." He said as clearly as he could and we nodded.

" Thank you sir. I'm assuming that we are staying in the same hotel as Jamal?" Tanmay asked for clarification but sir shook his head in a no.

" You both are staying in the hotel right opposite. You will hide in plain sight and unless there is anything suspicious going on, no action will be taken. India and France are extremely close allies and we cannot risk the French Government finding out that there are Indian agents out here without their knowledge. Therefore, unless Jamal acts shady in regards to the safety of our PM, we will do nothing. Just keep your eyes and ears open, head low and be the perfect amazed tourists. Bienvenue à Lille." He said, welcoming us to Lille before we separated and went our ways.

" So where to?" Tanmay asked at the free pass which was given to us to explore the city and I was just as excited. Even though we travel to so many different countries, we never get to see places because of work but today, that changes!

" La Grande Palace seems like a good option, I think." I replied, taking the tourist brochure out of my bag that I had picked up from the Hotel's reception. I had a weird habit of doing this but finally, it paid off today!

" La Grande Palace it is, then." He said as we hired a cab for the day. It did not take us more than ten minutes to reach there and god it was beautiful! The French architecture had always mesmerized me for some reason and today, I was seeing it myself.

To blend in with the tourists, Tanmay was carrying a DSLR and I was so thankful for that. How could we not have pictures in France! We even asked a man to click ours together!

We went tp a few more places and then finally, the zoo where I was happily licking my ice-cream when Tanmay's cell, which was given to us. buzzed.

He picked the call and for some forty-five seconds, all he said was yes and okay and once he hung up, the seriousness on his face was once again, back.

" Jamal made his move." He whispered to me and I nodded as we exited the zoo and took the cab back to our hotel. We walked up to our respective rooms and changed into semi-combat clothes without being too obvious because sure as hell, things were going to come down to using force. It always would when Lashkar is involved.

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