Chapter 4: The Cabbage Hunt!

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After Megumin became our new party member, things were starting to finally look good. I still didn't know how Kazuma was feeling about the whole blackmailing him thing. The only thing I knew was that he wasn't pleased, to say the least. I just hoped that it wouldn't ruin our party's dynamic. I knew him only for a day after all. I could only hope that he didn't hold a grudge against me or Megumin.

After parting ways with my new party, I went straight to my room, jumped on the bed, and fell asleep immediately. But I definetly didn't expext to be woken up by-

"Y/N... Y/N, wake up" I heard a soft voice of a girl, whispering in my ear.


"Y/N!" I now felt like something was shaking me by my shoulders.

"Ughhh...mmm, what's going ooon?" I said, still half asleep. I didn't even bothered to open my eyes.

"Y/N, come on, get up."

When I reluctantly opened my eyes I saw-

"Mmm, Megumin?"

Megumin was standing beside my bed. When she saw that I finally got up, her face lit up a little.

"Morning Y/N! How did you sleep?" She said cheerfully.

"... What are you doing in my room? Wait. Better question. How did you know where I was staying?" I said, narrowing my eyes.

"Fufufu, I'm the genius of the Crimson Demons, of course I would know such a thing." Megumin announced, proudly puffing out her chest.

"You didn't anwsered my question."

"There's no time Y/N! I've come to you with a matter of top priority!"

"*Sigh* What time is it?"

"About 6am."




Outside of Axel, I was walking with Megumin along a dirt path in the woods.

"So let me get this straight. You want me to help you with practicing your Explosion magic?"

"Exactly. Only you are up to this tremendous task." She said, with completely straight face.

"I have a question, though. Why 6am?"

"The path of explosions waits for no one, Y/N."

"Riiiight... And why me? Did you ask Kazuma to go with you?"

"I wasn't sure if he would accept after what happened yesterday. And I didn't ask Aqua, because I thought that Kazuma wouldn't let her." Megumin said, with a little hint of sorrow in her voice.

"Ah, actually, good point. *Sigh*" I glanced at her. Her gaze was focused on the ground and she was frowning.

"Hey, if you're still thinking about yesterday, then don't worry. I'm sure Kazuma already forgot about it. And he doesn't strike me as a guy to hold grudges for something simple like that." I was trying to cheer her up a little- "Better stop focusing on yesterday's events and focus more on today and on that awesome explosion you're going to show me! " -and it seems that it worked. She looked up, smiling, and exclaimed:

"Hmpf! You're right, Y/N! After all, I can't be bothered by such trivialities! Today I shall show you the power and might of my ultimate spell!" The little Arch-Wizard declared triumphally. I couldn't help but smile.

"There you are."

After walking for another few minutes, we stumbled upon an opening in the woods. There was a small valley ahead of us and a big rocky hill. On said hill laid Megumin's new target.

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