Chapter 8: What was his name again?

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After my successful takeover of Aqua's room, I now had the biggest room in our new mansion. Kazuma agreed that as a punishment for putting that barrier around the cemetery, Aqua had to give me her room and relocate to my old one. Take that, you room thief.

After waking up, we had to establish some rules. Kazuma called a meeting in the living room to discuss our new chores around the house. We decided that we'll take turns cooking and cleaning. I don't have to add that everyone cleans their own room. Aqua however, got a special role; she was on toilet duty. Which gained her a new nickname from me: toilet goddess. She tried to strangle me as soon as I said it to her.

Subsequently, me, Kazuma, Megumin and Darkness headed out to town for a little shopping. And after returning from our morning trip, all of us were starving. And as to why we were out? You see, not only after exorcising it, we gained this mansion. But on top of that the owner paid us quite the hefty sum, which we all agreed on was to be spent on buying some necessary things like food products or extra furniture we could put in our mansion. Because of that we didn't need to buy food from the guild, we could make our own. Aqua stayed in the house the entire time, because Kazuma had to wake her up early for the meeting and she wanted to sleep.

"I can cook today, if you guys want." I volunteered, once we got back to the mansion.

Not to gloat or anything, but back home I was a true chef. I haven't told that to any of them yet, though.

"You can cook, Y/N?" Darkness sounded very surprised for some reason.

"Of course. I was a true chef back in my homeland." I declared, proudly. I haven't told that to any of them until now.

"That is true, that I'm not specially familiar with the ingredients from this world, but I'll manage somehow. At least I hope."

"Did you just say 'from this world'?"

"No, I didn't."

Perfectly avoiding Megumin's suspicious gaze, I hurried to the kitchen with a fresh bag of food supplies from the store.

"Say, Kazuma, you and Y/N are from some far away countries, right?" I heard Megumin, from the kitchen.

"Yes, mhm, exactly, far away countries. You know, they're so far away that sometimes Axel feels like another world. Anyway, I'm gonna go wake up Aqua for breakfast, so bye!" I then heard loud footsteps going up the stairs.

"Very smooth, Kazuma."

After some time, I emerged from the kitchen with the food. Everyone was eagerly waiting at the table. Aqua was now awake, resting her head on the table. Our true first breakfast was:

"Pancakes, made by yours truly." I said with a batch of pancakes in my hands. I placed the plate of towering pancakes on the table and returned to the kitchen for a strawberry jam.

"Fuaaaaaa, they smell so goood~" Megumin responded, drooling all over the table.

"You're right, Megumin." Darkness added with a smile. "But I've never seen or heard of them. 'Pan-cakes'?"

""Wait, really?"" Kazuma and I (back with the strawberry jam from the kitchen) said simultaneously.

"Is this a delicatesy from your homeland?" The Crusader asked, taking a pancake from the plate.

"Wait, they don't know what pancakes are? Oh, what a cruel world..."

That was a weird one for me. Considering they have all the ingredients necessary to make one, I would've guessed that they have them in this world.

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