Chapter 9: The First Boss Fight in this Wonderful World!

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At the front gate. Kazuma's POV.

"Why haven't you come to my castle?! You inhuman wretches!" The dullahan Beldia roared furiously. A dark purple flame emanating from him.

"What?! We're not casting any Explosion magic on you anymore!" I shouted.

"Not casting it on me? That crazy Crimson Demon girl casts it on my castle every single day!" He yelled, and pointed at the problem child beside me.

"You!" I assaulted the crazy Crimson Demon girl in question, pulling her cheeks.

"Ow! No, stop! Please, let me explain!" She begged and I reluctantly stopped to hear what she had to say for herself.

"It's just... ever since I felt the pleasure of casting my magic on that castle, well... I just need something big and hard, or else I can't endure it!" She explained with a flushed face, doing some weird motions.

"Stop fidgeting like that! And besides, you can't move after casting your magic, so you must've had an accomplice! Where is he? Where's Y/N? Don't you think it's a little weird that he suddenly disappeared as soon as they summoned us?!"

"I-I don't know where he went, but it wasn't him!"

"Ho? Then..." I trailed off and locked eyes with Aqua. She looked away as soon as possible and started whistling.

"This little-"

"You!" I yelled and did to her the same thing I did to Megumin.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop! There is no good quests because of him! He started it!" She cried out, pointing at Beldia, who in response sent a wave of dark purple flames at us. Fortunately they didn't burn at all, and he just wanted us to pay attention to him. When we did, he said:

"Listen, fools. I am Beldia. And that is not why I'm pissed off! In life, I strove to be an upstanding knight. In my opinion, that boy who wasn't even a knight, sacrificing his life for his companion was a prime example of knightliness. Shouldering my curse in your worthless place, dying in vain-" He froze as soon as a familiar face joined the crowd of adventurers at the front gate.

"Hey, guys. So what's all the fuss about? Sorry, had to answer the nature's call. I could've been here sooner, but the toilet paper- Oh, damn! It's that guy again. What was his name...? Uhh, Verdia?" As oblivious as ever, Y/N decided to show up in the middle of Beldia's monolouge.

"Huh...? You're aliveeeeeeee?!"


"Oh, that's right, he doesn't know yet."

"Hey, so what exactly is going on?" I leaned over and asked Megumin, while the dullahan was having a mental breakdown, trying to process everything.

"Well, the dullahan came back, because he thought we'd come to his castle to lift the curse from you. But since we never came, he assumed that we let you die." Megumin explained.

"And he waited all this time for us to show up? Poor guy... Actually, I feel a little bad for him. "

"Oi, that's not the whole story she's telling you!" Out of the blue, Kazuma chimed in.

"N-No, that's everything! What are you t-talking about Kazuma?" She asked, fidgeting a little.

"What am I talking about? I'm talking about your secret everyday explosion trips with Aqua to that dullahan's castle!" Kazuma shouted right into her ear.

"Your what?! What the hell Megumin!" Megumin in response, only looked at the ground.

"Why haven't you told me? I would've loved to come blow up that guy's castle with you!"

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