Chapter 16: Secret Lovers and the Explosive Dolls!

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"...Ughhhh.... W...Wha-?"

"The last thing I remember was walking out of the guild with Megumin... then everything blacks out... and then... in front of the mansion?"

I woke up with the worst hangover in a while. My head hurt like crazy and I felt like I could throw up at any moment. Also, somehow I was in my bed. Someone had to carry me when I was asleep. They didn't change me into my pajamas, though. I had my yesterday's clothes on.

"Mmm... what time is it...?" I asked myself and looked out of the window. It was hard to tell since the entire sky was covered by the thick layer of dark clouds. It seemed like it started snowing just before I woke up.

"The others are probably waiting for me..."


"Don't wanna, though." I said, jumped under the warm covers of my bed, and fell asleep again.





"...-up Y/N!"



"Hmm... Ughhh... Megu....min?"

"Finally. I thought you'd never wake up. You definitely overdid those drinks yesterday..." Megumin said, looking down at me beside my bed.

"How do you feel?" She asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"...Bad... I want to die..." That was the only thing I could muster up to summarize the state I was in.

"*Sigh* I'm not surprised. Do you know how many mugs did you drink yesterday?"

"Hmmm... maybe like... five?" I had a tough time recollecting yesterday's events.


"Twenty?! O-Ow, ow, ow... my heaaaad..." I instantly jolted up and then slowly laid back down again because of my unimaginable headache.

"You really don't remember...?" She asked with a worrying gaze. I only managed a painful nod in response.

"I don't like seeing you hurt like this... just lie here for a while. I'll try to find something for your headache." She covered me so only my head was sticking out from the covers, and left the room in search of the cure.

"...I don't deserve this girl." I said quietly and closed my eyes. In an attempt to not think of my headache, my thoughts drifted off to Megumin. Specifically to my relationship with her.

"We confessed to each other, so I think that means that we're together, right? I mean... I didn't really confess. I didn't tell her why I love her."

This was my first real time being in this kind of relationship, so of course I didn't know what was going on. I mean, I've watched enough anime and movies about those kind of things, so I should've known something.

"Alright, I just need to ask her. It's going to be... a l-little embarrasing, but I have to do this! On the other hand... 'We both said that we love each other. Does that mean we're officially together?' Isn't this an obvious question?!"

Just when I was contemplating, Megumin returned with a little bottle in hand.

"O-Oh! You're back. What's that bottle for?" I asked, going back to reality.

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