Chapter 1: Vale Rockford

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     The thing she loved most about Wyoming was the mountains. It wasn't uncommon for Vale to take her days off to go horseback riding up where the air was clear, and where she could hear the wind flow through the trees and feel the cold breeze running through her clothes and on her face so much that she couldn't hear anything else but the whistle of it, forcing her to close her eyes tight while the horse ran where it pleased. She was going to miss this.

She didn't want to leave Absaroka County, but she didn't have a choice. She was getting transferred to some little station down in Forks, Washington. "Forks....." she shook her head at the absurd name. She was currently sitting on the leather couch in Sherriff Walt Longmire's office, her elbows on her knees and her fingers pressed together as she listened to her boss.

 "You know I wouldn't do this if I had a choice." No response at first, then a slight nod.

"You've been the best thing that happened to this county since you started working here. I have a good team here. Dedicated people willing to lay down their lives to see the law is kept and people are safe. But I've never in my life seen someone with your skills. I guess the guys up higher thought they needed to spread some of that around."

Vale nodded morosely. Her hazel eyes trained on the wood floor.

Walt stood from his half-sitting position on his desk and grabbed a chair, setting it firmly in front of her. He sat, his large build looming over her smaller one. He took off his characteristic cowboy hat and tossed it on the seat beside her. His blue eyes searched her large dark ones. He took her hands in his.

"Vale, you've been a daughter to me these past 5 years. I mean, coming out of what you went though sane was a miracle. You've shown me and to everyone in this town that you are smart, capable, competent, and 100% able to do whatever you set your mind to. I don't want you to leave, but -" "It's alright, Walt." She interrupted him. 

There was silence for a moment.

"I can do this."

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