Chapter 41: "I Can Change That..."

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Vampires don't sleep, but it looked like these two were. Carlisle and Vale were huddled together on the couch, Carlisle's arm wrapped around her, and Vale's head against his chest, with a crackling fire in front of them. Carlisle's fingers were slowly twirling her light brown curls. Both had their eyes closed, and occasionally would whisper something back and forth to each other. Vale was slowly explaining what had happened, and Carlisle would ask a question, to which she would answer, then they would both fall silent again, each thinking their own deep thoughts. 

"Who was the vampire that changed you?" "Guess." Carlisle snorted. "I have absolutely no idea. I don't think I know anyone in Wyoming." "He hates the Beatles." "Garrett? Seriously?" Vale giggled, but didn't move from her comfortable position on his chest. "Nick left me in an icebox in below zero weather. There was nothing I could do. Garrett killed Nick and followed my scent back to the cabin." There was silence for a moment.

"That's not very like Garrett to change someone. He usually just kills and leaves." "He said he wanted company." "You mean he thought you were beautiful." Now it was Vale's turn to scoff. "He was going to ask me out..." "Shut up." "I'm serious! But he thinks very highly of you and knew that I didn't belong with him." She opened her eyes and looked up into Carlisle's golden ones. "I belonged to you. Nothing is going to change that." She settled back down onto his chest. He hugged her tightly, smiling. 

The Lord and the Lady were finally finding some rest.


The kids were very glad to have their mother back. Jasper would probably have been bawling and Rosalie would have been fighting tears if vampires could cry. A few days after returning, Vale called Rosalie up to her (and Carlisle's) room. Carlisle was out hunting with Emmett, and Vale wanted to take the opportunity to speak with her daughter.

"Rosalie, I want to tell you a secret. This is a family secret, with the exception of the vampire who changed me." Rosalie sat down in front of her mother. "I have a gift." Vale said, smiling. She took Rosalie's hands. "I know what your heart's greatest wish is." Rosalie's eyes went to the floor, and she frowned, looking miserable. "All you have ever wanted was to be fulfill a woman's most honorable calling, Motherhood." Vale continued. "I understand that your biggest dreams were dashed upon becoming a vampire, but I can change that." She whispered. Rosalie blinked up at her mother, confused. "What?" She whispered back. "What do you mean?" Vale slipped her hands away from Rosalie's, leaving a glimmering glass bubble in her hands. "Talk it over with Emmett, so you both can see what you want, but if you hold this bubble to your heart, I have enchanted it to enable you to have children, human children who may become a vampire later in life if they so choose. It will be completely up to them, but not until they are at least 21." 

Rosalie's golden eyes glimmered. She stared at the shining object in her hands. She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it. She lunged for her mother and pulled her into a hug. "I love you." Rosalie murmured. "And I love you, my sweet, loving girl. You've been so brave for so long. I hope this brings you some peace after what you have endured."

Rosalie carried the bubble ever so gently, like a baby in her arms, out of the room. 

Vale leaned back in her chair and looked over her desk. Alice was determined to make her and Carlisle's wedding very grand, but grand was not what Vale wanted. She was a practical woman with practical ideas. Simple, yet elegant was her style. 

"Looks like my battles aren't over yet." She sighed.

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