Chapter 8: Her Father's Eyes...

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Today was going to be a fairly laid-back day on the job... so long as nobody went too much over the speed limit. Charlie had decided to take Vale with him that morning to cruise about, since there were some reports of a few joyriders tearing up 5th and Main street. They had stopped for a coffee before heading out. "So," Charlie began, "I think I told you I have a daughter." "Bella, right?" Vale sipped her Iced Latte. "Yeah... her mother and I separated a while back. She just recently remarried and Bella is staying with me for the time being. At least until she graduates." "I'm glad she has good father in her life." Vale smiled softly. "Well... that's the thing." He seemed to struggle to find the right words. "Renee was never the ideal type of mother for Bella and her introverted personality... She's constantly being surrounded with girls who are... ya know..." He gave a girlish high-pitched giggle and waved his hands around. Vale snorted. "Silly and frivolous?" she offered.

"Exactly! And since you are, ya know..." "Neither silly nor frivolous?" she offered yet again. "Yeah, I was hoping you could try to get to know Bella a little bit. I think she needs a good example in her life that would help her out of her shell and into the real world." There was silence for a moment. "I want her to be prepared. I haven't always been there for her, and I'm not the best of fathers, but I want her to have someone to see as an example." "I'd be honored, Chief." Vale said with full sincerity. 


The Cullens sat at their usual table together at Forks High School. "I still can't believe you guys didn't tell me." grumbled Emmett. "Of course they didn't. You can't keep a secret." Hissed Rosalie, kicking her mate under the table. "Carlisle is having one hell of a time trying to keep it together. Having him keep that coat was a brilliant idea, Alice." said Edward. 

"There are a few ways that their meeting could go," she said, thoughtfully, "depending on how a few people make their decisions, it could be as early as two weeks from now. Carlisle had better get used to her scent before then." "Yeah, no kidding. Out of all of us, I never thought Carlisle would be worse than me and Rosalie." grinned Emmett. His mate kicked him again. 


Vale stood in front of a large group of students. The school had decided that they wanted the whole of the class to hear her presentation, and so they filled the gym instead of using a classroom. Her eyes landed on several familiar sets of golden eyes. She threw a two-fingered salute to them, to Rosalie in particular, who smiled back at her. "She smells like honey and ginger." she whispered to Emmett. "No, she smells like gunpowder-"but he was shushed by the others as Vale began to speak. 

"Thank you for coming today, although I'm sure many of you didn't have much of a choice." Chuckles went through the crowd. "I'm here today to explain the dangers of the different types of abuse that many of you either are facing or will eventually face in your lifetime. I am here to provide warnings and act as a signpost, pointing the way to help, but only you can walk the path to get there." She looked down at a rather pale, brown-eyed girl near the front, who's attention was torn between listening to her and gazing at one of the golden-eyed boys who's name she had yet to learn. "Bella." She thought. "She has her Father's eyes." 

Vale went on with her speech.  She explained the dangers of drug abuse, and how their whole lives could be affected by it. She explained physical abuse, and how to get help, and on the importance of self-discipline for people with anger issues, and how to get help.

"I myself have suffered from a different form of abuse." she went on. "Mental abuse. Please note here that I do not, and never shall call myself a victim. It was not my fault that I went through what I did, but that still does not make me a victim." She paused. "If there is anything I want you to leave here remembering, it is this:

You are only a victim if you have admitted defeat."

There was a stillness that swept across the room. "I for one refused to admit defeat. I would not let the people who were messing with my head win. I have had people lie to me, over and over and over again, but I would not allow defeat. If you can do that, it doesn't matter how hard, or hopeless, or painful your struggle will seem to be, because you will by default overcome it.  It's just logic at that point. Nothing else. Never admit defeat. Instead, I would encourage every one of you to turn around, and face your monsters. Slay your dragons, and then you can wake up and look in the mirror every morning and see a warrior. Thank you."

The whole room resounded in applause as she walked off the stage.


Bella was taken aback by this strange young woman in uniform. Officer Rockford was... different, and in a good way. A way that she wasn't used to. She looked around at the other girls, who were giggling and talking nonsense. Bella felt rather disgusted by them. What she wanted - truly wanted - was to be a fighter. Not someone constantly feeling unable to do anything. She envied Vale's confidence and spirit...

She spotted the woman just down the hall, about to leave the building. "Officer Rockford?" she called. Light brown hair swept around, revealing for the first time the sharp, distinct features of Vale Rockford, her future mother-in-law, her mentor. She stuck out her hand.

"Hi. I'm Bella Swan."

"I know."

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