Chapter 14: Have You Come to Kill Me Too?

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Vale had to think fast. She dialed Charlie's number.

"Chief Swan speaking."

"Charlie, I need backup at the boat docks ASAP." She said, her voice shaking.

"Vale? Are you okay? Whats-"

"I just heard a cry and I think it's Waylon Forge. I need somebody over her RIGHT NOW."

"On it. Stay where you are. I will pick up the Police Doctor on the way there."

"Whos our Police Doctor?" She asked, a sudden thought striking her.

"Doctor Cullen, of course. He is the best, after all."

Vale's heart dropped. "Of course..." She ended the call. Her mind was going haywire. Everything around her started going fuzzy. She staggered to the closest chair and sat down, placing her head in her hands, trying to process everything at once.

The Cullens are Vampires. Vampires drink human blood. There have been several animal attacks over the past several months, and police have not been able to track the beast. Why not? Because they are under the false pretense that it is an animal that is murdering these people... And why are they under that particular pretense?

Because Doctor Cullen is telling them so...

Vale didn't know what to do. Everything was making her vision darken. 

There was a pounding on her front door. "Vale? You in there?" It was Charlie. She slowly rose, trying to get to the door, gripping every piece of furniture to steady herself along the way. She opened it. "Doctor Cullen is taking the body to the body to the morgue for a thorough examination," he began, his eyes slightly red from crying. "I thought you might want to - Vale? Are you alright? Vale? VALE?" Everything in Vale's vision finally went black, and Charlie caught her crying "DOCTOR CULLEN!"


The only sounds in the room were the sounds of her gentle breathing and the pitter-patter of the rain on the windows and rooftop of Vale's home. 

Carlisle sat next to her on the edge of her bed, watching her unconscious form with pure adoration. This was the first time they were alone together. 

He had put her to bed after she had collapsed, and was (much to the Lord's wrath) forced to leave her to examine the body. It was as he had feared. Vampires.

He sympathized with Chief Swan over the loss of his friend, and was a bit surprised to see Edward suddenly show up with Bella... but that was another issue altogether.

He returned to Vale's house to check up on her. She had not awoken.

He held her warm hand in his ice-cold one, rubbing small circles everywhere - her knuckles, her palms, her fingertips - anything to keep the Lord from going mad.

Take her. Right here. Right now. Mark her. Claim her. Show the world to whom she belongs and to none other...

No. Not yet. I love her too much to disrespect her like that.

He started out of his thoughts when she stirred a little, then settled down again.

I can wait. I have to. I will harm her if I do not.

 He turned his gaze out the window and watched the rain form small droplets down the glass.

His golden eyes went back to her face... and delved into her dark ones.

"Have you come to kill me too, Doctor Cullen?"

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