Chapter 37: Alice

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"If you think you're gonna win against a vampire, you're dead wrong."

Vale's stared unblinking at her opponent. It was true, this guy had some nerve. Challenging a vampire? Not a very smart idea. Challenging Vale? Downright stupid. 

Minutes passed.

"HA! I WIN! AGAIN!" She laughed. The large barn owl that sat in front of her gave a huff of annoyance. There really wasn't much reason to gloat, but not everyone could say they beat an Owl at a staring contest. 

Vale was clearly getting bored out of her mind to be playing such childish games. 

She had met the owl that morning. He had started following her and was clearly not planning on leaving her alone any time soon. She started telling it her absent musings, and it seemed interested. She wished it could say something to her. 

In search of food, she had began wandering outside of the immediate vicinity of the Cullen home. She came to a chasm, and saw several large werewolves on the opposite side. She had an odd feeling of deja-vu. A large black one stared at her, as if it recognized her. She gave a slow respectful nod, acknowledging the boundary line. The wolf nodded back. Two other wolves trotted to the middle of the stream that divided them and shifted into their human form. One was a tall female and the other a younger boy. "Vale!" they called.

Vale made her way over to them. "You're alright! Or sort of, anyway. We missed your visits!" the boy said, beaming at her. He gave her a hug. She awkwardly hugged him back. "I'm... still getting my memories back..." The boy looked up at her. "Remember me? I'm-" "No. No, let me try to get this. Sometimes I can." Vale interrupted. 

She stepped back and looked at the two. She pressed her fingertips together and placed them just in front of her lips, tilting her head slightly. "Cookies... Pizza night... cliff jumping...painting in the garage... Seth and Leah Clearwater." She smiled. "You got it!" said Leah. "But why are you here? The Cullens aren't back are they?" Seth asked. Vale's face fell. "No. To be honest, I have no idea where they are. I just knew this was where I should stay and maybe they'd find me." The siblings nodded. "You look great, by the way." Leah smiled at her. "But what's with your eyes? You look and smell like a bloodsucker, but your eyes are green." "Girl, you are looking at a genuine vegetarian vampire. I like berries, not blood." "ShUt uP." Seth gaped. Leah laughed. "That's awesome! I'll talk to Sam and see if you can come over again sometime." "Thanks, guys, I'd like that." Vale turned to go. "Oh, and uh, try to keep my presence on the down low alright?" "We will!" the pair waved at her.

Evening fell. The thing that Vale didn't like about being a Vampire was that she didn't know what to do with the time at night. She wanted to go into the Cullen's library and read, but she felt like she would be intruding without them there. "What's a coven matriarch without a coven?" she muttered to herself. She ended up spending the nights walking the streets that she couldn't walk during the day. She approached a small house and caught a whiff of something.

Vampire. Werewolf. A Human.

This was very odd. She saw lights in the house and a old red pickup truck out front, as well as a snazzy looking black car. The three scents were definitely in the house, and she could hear voices talking. She couldn't tell what they were saying, but they weren't fighting, so she decided to stay low. She hid herself in the bushes. 

The back door opened. The scent of vampire was stronger. A female voice was saying, "I will... As soon as you let the dog out." Then she stepped out and closed the door behind her, sighing. 

"You're an odd trio."

Alice's head whipped around to see Vale leaning against a tall oak, her arms crammed in her jeans pockets and a face that held mild suspicion. Her green eyes glowing ominously.

"OH MY GOD MOM!!!" Alice squealed. She ran up to hug her. Vale wasn't expecting this. She only had time to access that this particular vampire had golden eyes and was not a threat to the human inside when she was being squished by this little girl. She blinked a couple of times. Her mouth opened and closed a few times, trying to remember her name. Alice was looking at her in astonishment. "Mom! You look GEORGIOUS! But how?! Where have you BEEN? Carlisle - OH MY GOD CARLISLE IS GONNA HAVE A FIT!!!" "Easy there girl, it's a long story." Vale pinched the bridge of her nose. "God, this sucks. I really hate the whole memory loss thing." 

Alice's face fell. "You don't remember your human life?" "Only bits and pieces. I've gathered enough to know where I belong. Alice." She suddenly said. "Alice! That was it!" She pointed a finger at her, smiling. "Alice Cullen/Hale. Jasper's mate. Bubbles and bubblegum. Parties and fashionista." Alice was smiling again. "I think you're memory will come back eventually. But what are you doing here?" "I was in the area." "Have you been keeping an eye on Bella? Does she know you're alive?"

Vale blinked again. "Honestly, I didn't remember her until you mentioned her name." She looked into Alice's face again, and furrowed her brow. Alice appeared to be in a faraway trance. Suddenly, Alice seized Vale's hand. "It's Edward! He's gonna try to kill himself!" Alice spun around about to run back inside.

Vale was left standing in the yard. She threw out her arms. "Now, why the hell would he do that?" she called after her. "Because he think's Bella is dead!" Alice ran into the house.

The heck? That's no way to handle the situation! What kinda stupid romance novel for highly hormonal and unstable teenagers has he been reading?!?!?!?

Vale groaned. This was going to be a long night.

Recommended Song: I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy

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