2041 - 2050

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2041. These day-time dreamers are the ones who are lost in their thoughts. They don’t get distracted by noises or any type of distraction. While walking as well, they are lost in their own dream world, which reveals that they think a lot.

2042. The worst person to be around is someone who complains about everything and appreciates nothing.

2043. Being positive has been linked to living longer by new research.

2044. Individuals have their own coping strategies to deal with problems. Some may succumb to depression, while others are able to work better under pressure.

2045. As you grow older you realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.

2046. The best way to get someone to like you isn’t to do them a favour, but to convince them to do you a favour.

2047. You can tell a lot about a person's character by what they laugh at.

2048. Your punctuality may reveal whether you're Type A or B.

2049. Birth Order Can Influence Your Personality.

2050. 70% of people pretend to be okay simply because they don't want to annoy others with their problems.

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